Page 8 - nov-dec 2021
P. 8

from the executive director’s desk
           M           y goodness   it is so hard to believe it   propane is both environmentally friendly and

                                                                 accessible  We are using digital audio  as well as
                       is already November! The new year
                       will be here before we know it
                                                                 programmatic banner
            REBATE PROGRAM                                       ads  We are estimated
                                                                 to get 4 6 million impres-
                   I am excited to announce that APGA’s          sions within the 12 week
            Safe Installation of Appliances Rebate Program       campaign
            is up and running for another year. You will find    2020 NFPA 58 HAND-
            the guidelines and application on pages 18-21 in     BOOK PROJECT
            this issue or click here to download  The program           The LP Gas Board
            will run until September 16, 2022 or until funds are   recently adopted the
            depleted                                             2020 NFPA 58  APGA was
            2022 TRAINING SCHEDULE                               approved through REAC
                   The Safety & Education Committee has          for a $40,000 grant to
            finalized the 2022 training schedule. You will find   purchase the 2020 NFPA       uLisa Hillu
            it on pages 26-27 in this issue  Registration forms   58 Handbook for every
            will be on the alabamapropane com site by the        Class A and Class B-1 permit holder in Alabama
            first of the year.                                   Please be aware of this and if you do not receive
            ENVIRONMENTAL MESSAGING CAMPAIGN                     your copy by the end of November, contact me
                   APGA has teamed up with PERC for a            so that I can track it down  We hope this is a ben-
            12 week environmental messaging campaign             efit to your business.
            targeting homeowners  The marketing goal is          NEW ENTRY-LEVEL DRIVER TRAINING
            to increase the awareness by homeowners that         REQUIREMENTS
                                                                        On February 7, 2022, DOT will have
              WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCE                            additional Theory based and Behind the Wheel
              FROM AMERICA’S                                     requirements for individuals seeking a CDL BE-
              INDUSTRY LEADER                                    FORE they may sit for the CDL exam and En-
                                                                 dorsements  NPGA has created ACE to help the
              •  New TRANSPORT TRAILERS                          industry comply  Click here to see the details
              •   New BOBTAILS                                   APGA will schedule a webinar in November
              •  New BULK STORAGE TANKS
              Ask about availability of                          Watch your email for an invite
              used or refurbished                                V.E.T.S./GENERATIONEXT PROGRAM
              transport trailers and bobtails
                                                                        APGA is thrilled to announce that we are
              SERVICES:                                          teaming up with V E T S  and GeneratioNext for
              • Refurbishing & Repairs
              • Blasting & Painting                              a Workforce Recruitment program in Alabama
              • 5-Year Inspections                               Please see the feature article on page 10 for all
              • Annual Inspections                               the details and get prepared to participate  You
              • Stress Relieving
              • Parts                                            will only get out of it what you put into it!!
                                                                 WILLIAM “BILL” MONTGOMERY SCHOLARSHIP
               PROUDLY MANUFACTURED & ASSEMBLED IN THE USA              We are honored to announce that APGA
                          MISSISSIPPI                            has added a William “Bill” Montgomery Schol-
                          TANK COMPANY                           arship to its program  This scholarship as well
                                                                 as the existing Don Haden and David Reaves
              HEADQUARTERS            INDIANA DIVISION
              P O Drawer 1391         1301 East Elkhorn Road     scholarships will be funded at $3,000 each  We
              Hattiesburg, MS 39403-1391  Vincennes, IN 47591-8004  are very grateful for the loving donation by Ms
              PH: 800-331-8265 ext. 224    PH: 812-886-8265
              FAX: 601-264-0769       FAX: 812-886-8979          Anne Montgomery in memory of her son and our
              www                                    friend, Bill ■

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