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safety & education

            Top Items to Collect When An Injury Occurs

                      fter every injury, collecting the proper   the injury occurred
                      items/documentation necessary helps        6      Preserve any maintenance records for
                      to ensure that the claim can be filed      any equipment involved
            Aand handled quickly and properly                    7      Document any potential third-party is-
            If there is missing information on the First Report   sues
            Of Injury (FROI) or missing documentation, this      8      Gather materials related to any safety
            can effect how quickly a claim can be handled        policies or procedures related to the activity in
            Please find below the top 10 items to collect        which the accident/injury occurred
            after a workplace injury occurs to help avoid any    9      Gather all records of safety meetings or
            issues with handling a claim:                        training that the injured employee attended
                                                                 10     Ensure that a post-accident drug screen
            1      Report the accident immediately - re-         is performed as soon as possible but within 32
            gardless of how minor the injury or accident may     hours of the accident/injury ■
            be, it should be reported at once
            2      After seeking medical attention, get a
            statement from the injured employee (if possi-
            3      Gather detailed
            statement(s) from witness-
            es, preferably written and        Looking for a reliable,
            signed by each individual
            4      Take pictures of the  customized supply plan?
            scene and any equipment          Crestwood offers experienced NGL professionals committed to
            involved and save any           creating reliable, yet flexible supply plans that meet your needs.
            video that may have cap-                     Things you may not know
            tured the accident/injury                           about Crestwood:
            5      Complete the First          Assets include Hattiesburg, MS and Tirzah, SC both equipped with
            Report of Injury and com-          storage, truck rack and rail rack as well as multiple rail terminals
            plete it with as much detail       in the Southeastern US.
            about the accident and             Manage over 300,000 bbls/day of propane across the country with
                                               assets connected to major supply hubs.
            injury as possible - be sure       One of the largest truck and rail propane fleets in the country, with
            to add precise information         over 250 trucks and 2000 rail cars.
            about the exact location of        Offer flexible price risk management solutions.
            the injured body part  For                       Want to know more?
            example, if the injury oc-               Call today for help with supply programs, index
            curred to the index finger            pricing agreements, fixed price and option hedges or
                                                       our transportation and storage capabilities.
            of the right hand, be sure
            to list it on the first report as                                  Max Johnson
                                                                               Senior Supply and Asset Manager — Southeast
            such  This will assist in keep-                          
                                                                               D: (816) 329.5316
            ing the claim to the specific                                      C: (913) 972.5721
            part of the body in which                                          ICE ID: mjohnson31

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