Page 4 - nov-dec 2021
P. 4

word from the president

                      reetings fellow APGA members and           next year (Sept  29-30) for our Fall meetings, and
                      friends!                                   I hope you’ll make plans to attend…a wonderful
                          It occurred to me as I prepared        way to mix a little pleasure with business!
           Gto write this article for our magazine                    •Almost everywhere you look these days
            that I should just use the words from something      there are help wanted signs and some are
            we’ve all seen over the years – “This Page Left      quite comical… Help
            Intentionally Blank ” I may have to use this at      Wanted – Common Sense
            some point in the future but not this time           Required! Our industry
                 •Our APGA committee meetings and                is no exception as we
            Board meeting held recently at Pursell Farms in      have staffing issues across
            Sylacauga were successful and well attended          the board with needs
            Our Committee Members and Board of Directors         for drivers, service techs,
            take pride in serving our association, and I want    and customer service
            to thank those who give their time and energy to     representatives  APGA
            keep APGA on top! Of course, special thanks to       will soon offer a way to
            Lisa for keeping us on track. This was my first visit   help in these areas using   uTom Cheathamu
            to Pursell Farms but certainly won’t be my last…     our state PERC funds
            a hidden gem for sure  Our plans are to return       V E T S /GeneratioNext
                                                                                 Propane Pros is a proactive
                                                                                 program designed to promote
                                                                                 the Propane Industry as a viable
                                                                                 career choice for students and
                                                                                 graduates of technical high
                                                                                 schools, community colleges,
                                                                                 trade and CDL schools  In
                                                                                 addition, there is a great
                                                                                 outreach program for our
                                                                                 Military Veterans  Please stay
                                                                                 tuned as more information with
                                                                                 be available soon
                                                                                       •The 2021 NPGA Southeast
                                                                                 Propane Convention/EXPO just
                                                                                 ended in Atlanta at the World
                                                                                 Congress Center, and although
                                                                                 the attendance numbers
                                                                                 were down, there was great
                                                                                 enthusiasm for our Industry as
                                                                                 we tackle the uncertainty of the
                                                                                 future  Supply chain issues are
                                                                                 unprecedented and a fact of
                                                                                 everyday life it seems, but we’re
                                                                                 all moving forward to serve our
                                                                                 customers as we always do in a
                                                                                 very positive manner  Propane –
                                                                                 Energy for Everyone!
                                                                                       Best regards and
                                                                                 remember…Winter’s Coming!■

     4                                Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  November / December 2021
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