Page 25 - marchapril2025neat
P. 25

of options to protect yourself from thefts or product   Here are a few things to consider:
            diversions.                                          •  Establish a baseline threshold that meets your

                   Large thefts of product                          company’s risk tolerance.
            have the potential to impact                         •  Establish relationships with your state or regional
                                                                    FBI Weapons of Mass Destruction Coordinator.
            the supply chain, be utilized                        •  Establish a relationship with your state or regional
            for more nefarious acts includ-                         DHS Terrorism Liaison and Education Officer.

            ing smuggling or terrorism, or                       •  If you are impacted by an actual or suspected
            be part of international crime                          criminal act, always report it to your local police
                                                                    department first and let them get the ball rolling
            rings.  Actual inappropriate                            for you.
            purchases which are less likely                      •  Contact the FBI and or Department of Homeland

            to raise red flags have the po-                         Security for assistance if you feel local authorities
                                                                    are not taking sufficient action or the situation
            tential of similar consequences.                        merits immediate escalation.

                                                                 •  Contact NPGA for help connecting with the appro-
                   The propane industry has a number of valu-       priate official if you do not have a point of contact
            able resources at our disposal to support or drive      with your federal partners and need assistance
            immediate and commensurate action to protect the        after a theft, suspicious purchase or activity, or
            public, your brand, and the industry, but you have to   other criminal concern related to a hazardous
            be willing to enact them when the risk is beyond your   material.■

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