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PARTICIPANT ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS program, such as such as the applicant’s ability to
To qualify for the Alternative Technology record and supply data, the proximity to another ap-
Demonstration & Research Program, commercial plicant, and type of business/operation. For questions
businesses must purchase qualifying propane-fueled regarding eligibility, call PERC at 202-452-8975.
equipment as noted above and applicants must: For more information, please see the Alterna-
• Represent a commercial business. tive Technology Demonstration & Research Program
• Be at least 18 years of age and provide a W9 with Brochure.■
an appropriate tax identification number.
• Be a propane customer in good standing with
their fuel supplier — PERC may contact the pro-
pane supplier(s) to verify the applicant’s account
is current.
• Supply data on performance, emissions, gallon
usage, run hours, cost data, and energy savings.
• Be willing to be featured in marketing and other
materials throughout and after the program.
• Allow scheduled site visits from PERC staff, con-
tractors, or third parties.
To ensure the most relevant and useful data
is obtained through the program, PERC may deny an
application even if all eligibility requirements are met.
Important criteria will be taken into consideration
when selecting the best possible candidates for the
APGA Regulator Replacement Rebate Program
Propane Marketers can receive a $50 rebate for eligible regulator replacements that adhere to the
program guidelines. A total of 100 rebates will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Eligible Installations:
A. The installation must take place on real property located within the State of Alabama.
B. Eligible Regulator Replacements:
1. Existing Regulator must be 15 years old or older; or
2. Single Stage Regulator regardless of age
C. Replacement Regulators must be:
1. A new and never previously used LPG regulator
2. Installed by a licensed propane professional
D. No more than two rebates shall be paid per residential address.
E. All regulator replacements are subject to audit by the APGA. Please do not sent Regulators in with the application.
Only regulators replaced after October 1, 2024, or before September 19, 2025 are eligible for this program.