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PERC's Alternative Technology
                       PERC's Alternativ                            e T    echnology
                 Demonstration & Research Program
                 Demonstration & Research Program

                         HELP C OMMER    CIAL & INDUS   TRIAL CUS  T OMER S E ARN C OMPENS    A TION
                               F OR P AR TICIP A TING IN RE SE AR CH AND D A T A C OLLE C TI ON!
                         ith the new Alternative Technology
                         Demonstration and Research Program,
                         you can help commercial and industrial
           Wcustomers earn compensation for par-
            ticipating in research and data collection.
            Realize the Advantages of Propane
                   Power losses and increasing costs of electric-
            ity require commercial and industrial companies to
            adopt energy options that are reliable and affordable.
            Propane provides a clean energy solution that deliv-
            ers superior comfort, lower energy costs, and excep-
            tional reliability for businesses. The new Alternative
            Technology Demonstration & Research Program,
            sponsored by the Propane Education & Research
            Council (PERC), offers commercial and industrial
            businesses the opportunity to earn compensation
            by contributing valuable data on propane-powered
            cooling and combined heat and power (CHP) systems.
            This program is designed to gather insights on pro-  and installation. Proof of purchase and installation
            pane use in the commercial building sector. Partic-  must be provided to PERC. Once the equipment has
            ipants are required to complete a survey detailing   been installed, properly tested, and received any
            performance, emissions, gallon usage, run hours, cost   final approvals (if required), PERC will then award the
            data, and energy savings after installing propane CHP   compensation.
            or cooling equipment. By participating, businesses   PROGRAM LIMITATIONS
            not only benefit from advanced energy solutions, but       The Alternative Technology Demonstration &
            they also play a pivotal role in shaping the future of   Research Program is a research initiative conducted
            propane technology.                                 by PERC and is not a rebate program. Funding is lim-
            PROGRAM COMPENSATION PROCESS                        ited. The purchase of propane-powered equipment
                   The business contact who will receive the    does not guarantee eligibility and not all applicants
            propane equipment is responsible for the Alternative   will qualify for compensation.
            Technology Demonstration & Research Program appli-         To ensure the most relevant and useful data
            cation. Partners (marketers, state executives, or con-  is obtained through the program, PERC may deny an
            tractors) can assist with the application, but it must   Alternative Technology Demonstration & Research
            be submitted by the entity that will be receiving the   Program application even if all eligibility requirements
            technology. Once the application has been submit-   are met. Important criteria will be taken into consid-
            ted, it will be reviewed by PERC staff to ensure there   eration when selecting the best possible candidates
            aren’t any concerns or missing information. PERC will   for the program such as the applicant’s ability to re-
            communicate the approval of the application to the   cord and supply data, the type of business, the prox-
            applicant and a contract will be signed. The applicant   imity to another program applicant, the number of
            is responsible for working with his or her propane   propane gallons used by the applicant, and the total
            marketer, the OEM, and contractors for purchasing   pieces of equipment purchased under the program.

    26                                            Alabama Propane Gas Association  | March / April 2025
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