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P. 4
word from the president
reetings fellow friends and members, Office in Prattville.
I hope this letter finds all of you well Everyone is encour-
and profitable this 2025 Winter Sea- aged to attend in
Gson. person but Zoom is
I know most Dealers I have spoken with have available. Lunch will
had a good strong start for January and Febru- be provided. Con-
ary. And, according to the forecast, there is still tact Laural Bunn, to
more to come. This year, we experienced some RSVP for the meet-
of the coldest temperatures for the month of ing or to request a
January, at least colder than we had seen in a Zoom link.
long time. This was great because it is what all The APGA/ Bubba Quick
the Dealers needed. Some of us experienced LPGA Joint Summer APGA President
temperatures that plummeted to as low as 8 Convention will be held at Perdido Beach Resort
degrees! And the Dealers on the Coast had in Orange Beach, AL, on June 29th - July 2nd.
quite the experience when they received up to Louisiana will host this year and we look for-
8” of snow. ward to see what they have planned! The APGA
We have some important events on the Annual Membership/Board of Directors Meet-
horizon, and I hope you will make plans to at- ing will also be held during the convention as
tend and participate. The APGA Winter Commit- well.
tee Meetings and Board of Directors Meeting I hope to see you all very soon! Good
will be held on Thursday, March 6, at the APGA gas sales to all!■
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4 Alabama Propane Gas Association | March / April 2025