Page 7 - marchapril2025neat
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from the executive director’s desk
pring is right around the corner after a great APGA scholarships to three
heating season for the propane industry! eligible applicants this year.
Kudos to you and thank you for your efforts to To read more see pages
Sensure everyone had the supply they needed 19-20.
to survive the serious cold snaps that hit Alabama. On April 17th,
After a great winter, APGA has another jam-packed APGA will hold its Legis-
schedule filled with educational opportunities and lative Lighter event at the
events to support the propane industry. State House. Join APGA as
We have several educational items we would we visit the State House to
like to remind you to take advantage of. First, APGA meet representatives and
is excited to announce that four Alabama high schools pass out lighters to pro- Laural Bunn
were awarded $5,000 grants from PERC for the 2025 mote the industry and advo-
HVAC Technical School Grant Program. All are in cate for current issues of interest. For more information
need of local propane advisors. If you are interested in about this event or to RSVP, please email APGA.
learning more about how you can become an advisor, The PERC Sales Report Portal opened on March
please contact APGA. Second, as spring approaches 1st. Each year, PERC asks retailers to submit information
and winter comes to a close, Service classes will begin for the report. This information is vital to helping PERC
again at APGA. Don't forget to register for the upcom- and the industry understand market trends across the
ing APGA service classes in April. We have Hazardous propane industry and the evolving needs of individual
Materials /Security Awareness Training, Basics of 2021 retailers. In preparation for the survey, please make
NFPA 54 Code Applications, Basic Principles & Prac- sure you have the appropriate contact information on
tices, and Plant Operations courses. Click here to see file with PERC. If you are unsure whether your info is
course information and registration information. Last, correct, please email
APGA has $9,000 in scholarships to giveaway in 2025.
The deadline to submit applications for the APGA The 2024-2025 APGA Safe Installation of Appli-
Scholarship Program is March 25th. Don't miss out ances Rebate Program is off to a great start! Since Octo-
on the opportunity to apply for one of the $3,000 ber 1st, APGA has provided over $25,000 in rebates for
Alabama propane consumers.
Don't let your customers miss
out on this opportunity to
take advantage of these valu-
able rebates! See page 21 for
Bobtails to Bulkplants details.
APGA has brought
back the Regulator Replace-
ment Rebate Program as well.
You can find the program
information on page 27. We
New Bobtails Betts Vapor Proof Lights: New Installations only have 100 $50 rebates, so
Refurbished Bobtails complete stock of lights, lens Maintenance & Repairs don't delay!
Hydrostatic Testing & accessories All Work Performed to NFPA 58
Annual VK Inspections Truck Meter & Code Upgrades
Annual DOT Inspections Dispenser Calibration Storage Plant Acquisition & Removal Please feel free to
Base Engineering Shutdown contact me anytime to discuss
your needs or concerns. I'm
FREE ESTIMATES always happy to help our
40 Industry Drive Jason Gamble, Owner (256) 593-2420 members and to promote the
Boaz, AL 35956 (205) 616-9084 (800) 757-6639 propane industry in Ala-
Email: Fax: (256) 593-2460