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report from npga state director by: Mark Denton
N innovative tools, tech-
PGA hosted its Winter Board of Directors &
Related Committee Meetings in Clearwater
nologies, and features
Beach, Florida February 3-5, 2025. Busi-
specifically built for public
ness at the well-attended meeting included
Committee and Section meetings; policy discussions safety. First responders,
utility companies, and
especially related to potential tariffs and the White other users critical to
House’s recent Executive Orders; winter weather logis- supporting emergency
tics discussions; a panel on artificial intelligence (AI); response using FirstNet
and guest speakers presenting on a variety on timely have always-on priority
topics, including featured guest speaker Dr. Ellen Wald, and preemption on cel-
President of Transversal Consulting, who presented lular network bands. The
on the impact of overseas conflicts on the U.S. oil and propane industry con-
gas industry. Attendees also enjoyed social events and tinues to be a vital resource during emergencies, and
much more. Here are some of the key updates from marketers qualify to participate in this program. Contact
the meetings: Brian Rolph via email at for more
NPGA Board Meeting information on how your company can benefit from this
program 24/7, including during an emergency.
At the Board meeting, NPGA’s President and
CEO Steve Kaminski outlined the potential impact of Tucker Perkins, president and CEO of PERC,
several of President Trump’s Executive Orders. With spoke about propane’s vital role in the recovery efforts
limited exceptions, these Executive Orders are a net in North Carolina and its ability to support first respond-
positive for the propane industry as they provide ers during the wildfires in California. Mr. Perkins also
potential avenues to roll back a number of policies and discussed the shift in the energy landscape and how
regulations that disfavor energy choice. A summary of propane plays an essential role in reducing carbon via
the orders is available here. unique applications across markets, including power
generation, agriculture, EV charging, and combined
Marketers Section
heat and power.
Marketers Section Chair Brian Brooks of Brooks Members met in regional breakout sessions,
Gas welcomed Mayor of Zephyrhills, Florida, and to discuss regulatory, legislative, and other challenges
propane industry professional Melonie Monson, for the propane industry faces. NPGA will email summaries
a fireside chat. Mayor Monson highlighted the signif- from these meetings to the members of the Marketers
icant role propane plays in sustaining communities in Section.
the wake of natural disasters. The city of Zephyrhills
sustained significant damage in the wake of Hurricane Governmental Affairs Committee
Milton, and Mayor Monson shared her unique role The Governmental Affairs Committee received
as both a public official and an industry professional updates from NPGA staff and discussed pressing ad-
during the recovery process. Mayor Monson shared vocacy issues impacting the propane industry. Steve
how propane sustained critical infrastructure such as Kaminski provided the full Committee with a detailed
hospitals and recovery shelters, providing power and report on the current status of the Trump Administra-
heat to displaced individuals. Mayor Monson also dis- tion’s efforts to enact tariffs on Mexico, Canada, China,
cussed how the propane industry can more effectively and potentially the European Union. Steve provided a
work with local officials during times of disaster and detailed timeline of events over the last three months
the need for propane companies to establish resilience regarding the steps the administration has taken so far
and disaster recovery protocols. to implement these tariffs. Additionally, Steve recapped
Brian Rolph with the FirstNet Authority—an what NPGA has done to counteract these efforts, in-
independent agency within the U.S. Department of cluding:
Commerce—spoke about this nationwide, high-speed • the establishment of an initial strategy document
wireless broadband network and a set of specialized with the full Executive Committee,
10 Alabama Propane Gas Association | March / April 2025