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egistration is open for the 2025 NPGA South-
should you receive a review from FMCSA. This work-
eastern & International Propane Expo™! Join
shop will not be offered in 2026 & 2027 due to the
NPGA in Charlotte, North Carolina at the
schedule in Nashville. For more information about the
Charlotte Convention Center • Charlotte, NC
Charlotte Convention Center, Friday, April 4th
– Sunday, April 6th. The propane industry's premiere program and Registration Fees click here.
On Friday morning, join the WIP Leadership
annual event, the Expo brings together thousands of Forum for a 3-hour experiential, in-person workshop
marketers and suppliers from across the United States that pairs with an Energy Leadership Index (ELI) assess-
and beyond for education and networking. ment that includes a digital, 13-page report for each
Register today and gain access to cutting-edge participant. Join Angela Morrill, PCC, certified executive
educational and professional development opportuni- coach, leadership trainer, and workshop facilitator as
ties! The Expo has more than 35 education sessions, she teaches attendees how to: See the World Different-
including eight fast track sessions and four technical ly, Dive into Core Energy, Discover the Seven Levels of
workshops on key topics for your business. Come see Leadership, and Elevate Your Presence. Her background
the New Product Showcase featuring new and emerg- includes degrees in engineering and business and over
ing products, cutting-edge technologies, and initiatives 20 years in a variety of industries around the world, in-
that are changing the face of the industry. Continue cluding construction, aerospace, automotive, defense,
reading to learn more. industrial, distribution, consumer products, education,
On Thursday, NPGA will present the Propane government, and nonprofit.
Gas Cargo Tank Workshop. The Workshop is hosted in On Friday afternoon, the festivities will kick-off
partnership with the U.S. Department of Transportation with the NPGA Welcome from Host of Ceremonies,
(USDOT) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Admin- Stephen Kaminski, President and CEO of NPGA. Steve
istration (FMCSA). This workshop is designed to help will welcome attendees to the Expo™ and will provide
cargo tank repair technicians, testers, and inspectors details about the industry’s new initiatives, educational
comply with current regulations – whether as a bulk opportunities, and NPGA’s advocacy efforts to safe-
motor carrier or as a commercial repair facility – and guard our principal tenet: Energy neutral solutions are
provide a detailed presentation on how to conduct vital to solving the complexity of generating abundant
cargo tank testing as it relates to the propane industry. heat and power for a growing population with minimal
The session will be led by Chad Bernbeck, Hazardous detriment to the climate, resiliency needs, or socioeco-
Materials Specialist, South Carolina and North Carolina nomic burden on our citizens.
Divisions and Jeff Seal, Hazardous Materials Specialist, Next, PERC President and CEO, Tucker Perkins,
North Carolina, South Carolina, and Kentucky Divisions. will provide the PERC Update. Frequent destructive
The information provided can be used to satisfy weather events and the staggering increase in power
most aspects of function-specific training for Regis- demands on our electric grid are changing the ener-
tered Inspectors (RIs) operating under a Cargo Tank gy landscape. Propane, with its versatility, reliability,
Facility number. Details will be provided on how the and low carbon emissions, is ready to assume a more
tests and inspections of the tanks should be conducted, prominent place in America’s energy mix. The historic
what equipment should be used, and what regulatory 2024 hurricane season reinforced the understanding
required methods apply. Reference materials will be that no place is safe from climate change. In his update,
provided to assist RIs with inspections they conduct Tucker Perkins will call upon the industry to channel the
after training. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety same energy that fuels heroic disaster relief efforts into
Administration (PHMSA) Interpretations, regulatory two areas: seizing the momentum of emerging growth
changes, and explanations of those will be provided, opportunities and fostering a culture of safety in every
along with valuable information on what to expect aspect of its operations.
14 Alabama Propane Gas Association | March / April 2025