Page 13 - marchapril2025neat
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WIP events planned for the NPGA Southeast- Bruce and Brett teamed up for a cutthroat
ern and International Propane Expo in Charlotte, NC game of corn hole at Crabby’s Bar & Grill, winning
include: by a narrow margin against Brian Dunlap, NPGA Vice
• WIP Leadership Forum with leadership expert President, Finance & Administration and CFO, and
Angela Morrill Maril Olson, Senior Manager, Communications & NPGF
• WIP Educational Session on best practices for mar- Scholarship Program. Incoming Executive Assistant
keting & social media Nancy Padilla pinch hit (tossed) when needed. We wish
• WIP Roundtable with Through the Leadership Lens Bruce and Brett a very happy and healthy retirement
PODCAST LIVE! immediately followed by the annu- with lots of time spent with their grandchildren!
al Networking Reception. New Directors (as of February 5, 2025)
NPGA Staff Members Retiring NPGA announced the following new Directors
This was the last official Board of Directors at last week’s Board meeting:
meeting for retiring NPGA staff members Bruce • Alan Dorr of Dead River Company was appointed a
Swiecicki, Vice President and Chief Technical Officer Director-at-Large.
with 31 years of service, and Brett Gold, Executive • Luis Echauri of INGUSA is now the Mexico Director,
Assistant to President and CEO Steve Kaminski with replacing Ricardo Schondube who recently retired.
seven years of service. Both officially retire at the end • Trey Whitson of Parker Oil is now the Virginia State
of February, although we expect to see both of them Director, replacing John Fields.■
here and there.
We Got It! 1.800.922.0724
Doug Rowan
Regional Sales Manager
AL • TN • North Georgia