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Technology Standards & Safety Committee (TS&S)       Manufacturer’s Section
                   TS&S advanced a single proposal to the               NPGA was alerted by an industry manufactur-
            NPGA Board of Directors for continued investment     ing partner of an alleged large scale attempted theft
            and development in the renewable and low carbon      of hazardous materials containers.  The investigation
            fuels area.  The Committee’s proposal centered on    identified multiple other manufacturers and distrib-
            creating specific fuel quality standards and testing   utors that also may have identified similar attempted
            requirements for blends of DME and Propane within    nefarious acts.  In each case a successful credit appli-
            the D7901 Fuel Standard.  The scope of D7901 the     cation was submitted in support of the sale, but upon
            “Standard Specification for Dimethyl Ether for Fuel   investigation the applying company reported not com-
            Purposes”, covers dimethyl ether (DME) for use as a   pleting the application and the material delivery site
            fuel in engines specifically designed or modified for   was not a recognized address utilized by the supposed
            DME and for blending with liquefied petroleum gas    purchaser of the materials.  NPGA urges all industry
            (LPG). This specification is for use by manufacturers of   professionals to remain vigilant in their organizational
            dimethyl ether, by engine developers of purpose-built   and sales security and due diligence.  NPGA stands
            engines, in contracts for the purchase of DME for fuel   ready to support you should your business be impact-
            purposes, and for the guidance of consumers of this   ed, including contact escalation within appropriate
            type of fuel.                                        State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies.
                   Based on the limitation in scope established   PropanePAC
            by ASTM, DME / Propane blends would be improper             PropanePAC was pleased to share that it
            within the D1835 Standard Specification for Liquefied   surpasses its 2023-2024 election cycle fundraising
            Petroleum (LP) Gases even if the majority component   goals, giving the PropanePAC its most successful cycle
            of the mixture is Propane.  It is for this reason that   in NPGA history. The PropanePAC Steering Committee
            TS&S believes that a proposal should be made within   met to discuss 2025 fundraising goals, prior authori-
            the DME fuel standard for any and all blends contain-  zation efforts, and peer-to-peer engagement, with a
            ing DME and Propane regardless of the major compo-   focus on engaging new donors at the upcoming 2025
            nent of the mixture.                                 Southeastern & International Propane Expo. Pictured
            Member Services Committee                            here, PropanePAC Steering Committee Chair, Andrew
                   The NPGA Member Services Committee host-      Vogl (Ray Murray Inc.) recognizes PropanePAC donors.
            ed a panel on artificial intelligence (AI). The panel’s   PropanePAC hosted its signature Propane, Politics &
            goal was to provide an overview of how AI is being   Coffee event. NPGA Senior Manager of Legislative
            used by propane marketers and within the state/      Affairs, Rhett Johnson, hosted a fireside chat with Sam
            regional associations to support their industry work.   Wilson, District Director for Congresswoman Anna
            The panel was moderated by NPGA Manager, State       Paulina Luna (FL-13). Mr. Wilson discussed propane’s
            Government Affairs Austin Wicker. The panelists were:  critical role in aiding disaster relief and shared best
                                                                 practices for visiting and securing meetings with gov-
            •  Christine Armentano, Paraco                       ernment officials.
            •  Tom Clark, State Association Executive (CO, NM,
               Rocky Mountain)                                   Women in Propane
            •  Meg Sharp, Ferrellgas                                    The Women in Propane (WIP) Council intro-

                   The panel discussed a variety of topics in-   duced the 2025 Committee Chairs and welcomed
            cluding the definition of AI, operation efficiency and   new groups, such as the Webinar and Sponsorship
            safety, enhancing the customer experience, workforce   Committees. Current WIP Chair Whitney O’Toole of
            integration, strategic growth and sustainability, and   AmeriGas (right) presented Past Chair Jennifer Jack-
            the future trends. The panelists provided real life   son also of AmeriGas (left) with the 2024 Women in
            examples of AI use, and fielded questions from the   Propane Distinguished Service Award. WIP also held
            audience on privacy and data protection.             its ever-popular luncheon, where meeting attendees
                                                                 networked and discussed upcoming WIP initiatives.

    12                                            Alabama Propane Gas Association  | March / April 2025
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