Page 11 - marchapril2025neat
P. 11

•  the hiring of experienced outside trade counsel,-  task force also talked about state and local efforts to
               surveys sent to NPGA members on liquid fuels and   incentivize fuel-switching, penalize the use of conven-
               manufacturing parts that would be most impacted   tional thermal fuels, and move forward with various
               from the tariffs, and                            state decarbonization efforts, such as cap-and-invest.
            •  collaboration with other trade associations and   Propane Supply & Logistics Committee
               stakeholders in order to educate key members of
               the government on the total impact.                      In addition to a briefing from Kristen Holm-
                                                                quist of RBN Energy, the Committee engaged in a
                   While the Administration placed a 30-day     robust discussion regarding winter weather, and
            pause on the Mexico/Canada tariffs, NPGA is closely   engagement with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety
            tracking sector-level tariffs, will continue to closely   Administration (FMCSA) in pursuit of hours-of-service
            track country-level developments on tariff policy, and   waivers. Having secured a 21 day, 48 state waiver on
            is poised to seek exclusions.                       January 10th, and a 15-day extension for 39 states
                   As is customary, the Committee broke into    (later modified to 43 states), the Committee discussed
            three task force sessions – federal legislative, federal   lessons learned, communications plans, and what ma-
            regulatory, and state.                              terials were of particular interest to the government.

                   Federal Legislative Breakout: Members met    Follow up efforts included NPGA data collection on a
            with NPGA staff to discuss a number of legislative   possible waiver extension, and a standardized form for
            matters. Of primary importance was updating the     reporting data in order to assist both members and
            Task Force on the budget reconciliation process within   the association.
            Congress. NPGA staff provided updates on the current
            status of FY25 appropriations and upcoming FY26 ap-
            propriations. Staff also spoke on the recent introduc-
            tion in the House and Senate of Congressional Review
            Act legislation that would nullify last-minute Biden
            Administration rule making that would, if implement-
            ed, effectively ban gas-fired water heaters from the
                   Federal Regulatory Breakout: Regulatory
            session attendees discussed recent developments
            on issues of concern to the propane industry. These
            include updates to the rules from the Department
            of Energy and the Occupational Safety and Health
            Administration. The Task Force also discussed recent
            Executive Orders and their impact on various rules.
            Finally, the Task Force discussed guidance and inter-
            pretive documents pending across agencies, as well as
            goals and objectives for the coming six months.
                   State Breakout: During the state breakout
            session, NPGA staff provided highlights from the 2024
            state legislative session, which included the enactment
            of energy choice in Nebraska and Washington State,
            and the passage of gas appliance protection laws in
            multiple new states. The group discussed new resourc-
            es made available to state executives as they push
            for legislation to increase commercial production and
            consumption of renewable propane. Members of the

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