Page 15 - marchapril2025neat
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Following the welcome, Keynote Speaker,     and have a little fun with food and an open bar at the
            American Football Legend Steve Spurrier will share how  Charlotte Beer Garden. Admission is complimentary to
            he succeeded in football and beyond. Spurrier was the   Young Gassers members or $55 at the door.
            1966 Heisman Trophy winner from the University of          On Sunday morning, join Niki Hardy, breast can-
            Florida and went on coach his alma mater to numer-  cer survivor, speaker, and author of Audi Award-nomi-
            ous wins, including the 1993 Sugar Bowl and the 1996   nated, "Breathe Again" and the best-selling devotional,
            National Championship. He is the first coach in college   "One Minute Prayers for Women with Cancer.", for the
            football history to win 100 games in his first 10 years   Prayer Breakfast. Having left corporate life, been to
            (1990-1999), while at University of Florida. Spurrier was   seminary, moved continents, planted churches, started
            inducted into the National College Football Hall of Fame   businesses and nonprofits, and navigated loss, cancer,
            as a player (1986), and as a coach (2017), and into the   church hurt and painful uncertainty, she’s all about
            National High School Hall of Fame (2016).          helping you put the spring back in your life and faith
                   Next, head over to the Welcome Reception.   without having it all figured out first.
            Attendees can check out the 2025 exhibitors and begin      Registration is open for the 2025 NPGA South-
            networking to celebrate the opening of the expo hall.   eastern & International Propane Expo™! YOu can
            All attendees with a Full Conference & Expo pass are   use this link to Book your accommodations through
            welcome and receive two complimentary drink tickets   EventSphere, official housing provider for the Expo.
            at registration.                                   The NPGA room block is available until March 7, 2025.
                   On Saturday afternoon, make sure to attend   Book early for the best selection! You can find the list
            the WIP Roundatable: Through the Leadership Lens   of hotels, the schedule at glance, and links on pages
            podcast. WIP will once again host a live, interactive   16-17. We hope to see you in Charlotte!■
            edition where attendees will hear from a panel of the
            podcast’s most popular guests, and engage with hosts
            Bridget Kidd and Freddie Ridler as they address leader-      Don't Let the Cold
            ship questions from the live audience. Participants will   Freeze Your Propane Operation
            have the opportunity to reflect on their own leadership   Reduces freezing issues in valves and regulators
            journey while workshopping the podcast's signature
            questions regarding the meaning of leadership, men-                                        MEP700
            torship, and leadership styles. Audience members will        81
            engage in roundtable discussions following their own    Drum Faucet
            leadership self-evaluation. Afterwards, you can con-
            tinue the conversation with industry colleagues at the      830                            ABJ-2
            WIP Networking Reception. Attendees will have the           Drum Vent
            opportunity to connect with leaders from across the
            industry and learn more about the Women in Propane      BNW-A     Methanol  55 Gal. Drum
            Council's programs and resources for leadership devel-  Bung Wrench  Methanol price subject to
                                                                               market change.Free Freight
            opment. This reception is open to all Expo registrants.            does not apply to methanol
                   YPC members are encouraged to attend the            ZT2-1230                    8B-24781
            Young Professional Council Reception on Saturday,          1230 Placard  1710X         Funnel
            April 5th. The Council will hold elections for officers and            Barrel Pump
            the steering committee. This is a great opportunity to
            meet fellow YPC members, network, run for office, and
            attend the Young Professional of the Year reception.
                   On Saturday, join the Young Gassers for an eve-                       135             One Gallon
                                                                                                         Safety Can
            ning with friends and colleagues at the annual Young                         Tilting Drum Cradle
            Gassers Reception. Don't miss the opportunity to relax   800.448.9504  •  •  Bergquist Storefront 24/7

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