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safety & education

                       PERC's Upcoming Webinars & New Resources
                       PERC's Upcoming Webinars & New Resources

                Register Now for PERC's

                Upcoming Residential &

                  Commercial Webinars

            Residential Heating Systems Utilizing Hybrid
            Solutions and Smart Controls
            March 25 1pm (ET)
                   Discover propane equipment innovations
            such as dual fuel home heating systems and smart
            monitoring technologies - resilient, energy efficient
            and cost-effective approaches.

                   In this presentation, we will identify ways to
            hybridize by utilizing traditional dual fuel heat pump   Mobile Food Facilities Training:
            furnaces, hydronic heat pump solutions, and boiler          PERC has developed training for mobile food
            solutions.  Builders, architects, and developers will   facility operators that meets the training require-
            learn how to integrate technologies such as smart    ments in the 2024 edition of NFPA 58, Chapter 16.
            thermostats, automated systems, modeling programs    This training covers the basic properties and char-
            when designing for reduced emissions, greater effi-  acteristics of propane and the best safety practices
            ciency, and better economics. Finally, we will discuss   to use when shutting off and replacing propane gas
            how hybrid systems work together to optimize grid    containers on a mobile food facility.
            relief, including generator sizing, avoiding infrastruc-     The training is available on The Learning
            ture upgrades, and addressing economic viability.
                                                                 Center for those with a login. A Spanish version
            Power Generation for the Commercial Sector           of the training will be available soon. To facilitate
            April 17 @ 2pm (ET)                                  sharing with your mobile food service customers,
                                                                 PERC will make the training available on a USB for
                   Power losses and increasing costs of electric-  purchase in the coming weeks.
            ity require commercial and industrial companies to
            adopt energy options that are reliable and affordable.   New Resources:
            Learn more about commercial power generation,        •      Propane Cooling Factsheet
            including EV chargers, towables, prime and back-up   •      CHP Factsheet
            power generators.                                    •      2024 Innovation Video Series■

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                                                              For information about advertising in APGA News
                                                           or other 2025 Sponsorship Opportunities, contact APGA.

                                                                            (334) 358-9590

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