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aspects of Sysak’s damages        The Jury’s Verdict.                during the fi lling process, prob-
              claims. In other words, the case          After hearing the ev-      ably because the case was not
              was not tried on the negli-       idence in the case on the          tried on liability but only on the
              gence claims as liability was     damages claims, the jury           damages claims. However, the
              not contested. Instead, the jury   awarded Sysak $2,500,000 for      underlying incident in this case
              heard evidence and made its       pain and suffering; approxi-       underscores that as part of on-
              determination on the damag-       mately $500,000 in past and        going risk management efforts,
              es claims only. The jury verdict   future medical expenses; ap-      propane marketers and their
              information for this case indicat-  proximately $42,000 in past lost   employees should carefully and
              ed that there were at least nine   wages and $63,000 in future lost   consistently follow all training
              experts designated on damag-      wages. His wife was awarded        and procedures with respect
              es issues – fi ve for plaintiff and   $25,000 for her loss of consor-  to all services provided at both
              four for the defendant including   tium claim.                       customer and company loca-
              experts in plastic surgery (burn   ***                               tions, including as to equipment
              specialty); psychiatry; life care   No further information was       used in refi lling propane cylin-
              planning; and economic dam-       readily available on the plain-    ders.
              ages.                             tiff’s theories as to how or why
                                                the propane release occurred       Safety isn’t expensive, it’s price-
                                                                                   less. ~Unknown

                                                                                   [Kathryn A. (“Katy”) Regier is an attor-
                                                                                   ney with the Sandberg, Phoenix & von
                                                                                   Gontard, P.C. law fi rm in its Kansas City,
                                                                                   MO offi ce. She can be contacted at:
                                                                          or (816)

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