Page 4 - may-june 2020
P. 4

word from the president

                         ow!  What a difference two months       to make masks or personal protective equipment
                         makes!  When I last gathered my         for health care workers while essential workers
                         thoughts to share with you, I had       continue to work day in and day out, above
           Wno clue what the next four weeks                     and beyond to provide the needs of those they
            would hold   At that time, we were looking           may not even know   Even with places of worship
            forward to the Southeastern Convention & Expo        closed, spirituality is growing by leaps and bounds
            in Nashville in April and then onward to our         as homes are now places of worship and praise is
            Alabama/Louisiana Propane Convention in June!        openly displayed from social
                 Unfortunately, the Coronavirus began            media to the parking lots of
            causing havoc across the United States and           hospitals and health care
            made its way to Alabama   Suddenly, our lives        facilities   Staying at home
            were changed!  This virus brought our plans to a     has offered many the time
            screeching halt   Social distancing and infection    to play games, work puzzles,
            control led to closing schools, businesses, and      have conversations, plant
            working from home for multitudes   Many were         gardens, or complete that
            left without the ability to work to maintain their   long list of “honey-do” jobs
            livelihood                                           that have been lost in the   uTim Mooreu
                 Fortunately, the propane industry is            hustle and bustle of our
            considered essential and most of us have been        lives
            able to continue to work while we screen calls            I truly believe that in every challenge there
            and limit our contact with our customers to          is an opportunity to become stronger and wiser
            at least six feet   We have encouraged our           so we can be more passionate about fulfilling the
            customers to continue to call as we may answer       lives we’re meant to experience   Life is so much
            those calls from home, and we have taken             sweeter when we love deeper and appreciate all
            aggressive action to encourage our customers to      the blessings that God has shared with us   We will
            keep their tanks full   One challenge or concern     get through whatever comes our way, TOGETHER!
            lingers in that with the high unemployment rate           This year was not what I was anticipating
            and economic distress, we also have concerns         while serving as your APGA President; however,
            and pray that our customers can also pay their       despite these challenges, I have been honored
            bills to support our continued ability to stay open   and blessed to serve you for these past twelve
            and maintain our businesses   All the while, we      months that have passed by way too quickly   I
            strive to stay healthy, keep our families healthy,   want to thank all of our members and your APGA
            and maintain excellent customer service and          board for the encouragement and opportunities
            satisfaction to support our communities and our      to support and grow with our industry   I want
            industry                                             to express appreciation to my company, Mor-
                 COVID-19 has brought us trials and              Gas, Inc , my wife, Donna, and my family for the
            tribulations; however, it has also challenged us     continuous support they have given to me every
            to be unified to show love and concern for our       day of my life ■
            fellow man   I have witnessed an outpouring of
            kindness, support, leadership, teamwork, courage,
            strength, flexibility, hope, peace, faith, and love
            from all walks of life to support one another
            Many have donated continuously to feed the
            needy in our communities and utilize their talents

     4                                             Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  May / June 2020
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