Page 8 - may-june 2020
P. 8
from the executive director’s desk
sit here at my dining room table which is The propane industry was fortunate
my make-shift office reflecting on the past that it was included in the Essential Workers
month On March 12th, we held our lighter guidelines Even though all companies have
l distribution at the Alabama State House as made adjustments to the services being
well as committee meetings and our board provided, consumers are still getting product
meeting at the APGA office The Covid-19 delivered I think you have done a great job
issue was just starting to cause major chaos in taking care of your business, your employees
this country A few comments were made that and your customers
day about canceling certain events such as Our industry has been blessed with two
the SE Convention in Nashville and our summer strong national partners
convention which I thought to be crazy why (the National Propane
would we cancel these events this thing is Gas Association and the
like the flu for crying out loud It did not take Propane Education and
long for me to be put in my place I don’t think Research Council) NPGA
anyone could have predicted what would and PERC staff have
happen to our country in a matter of weeks, worked around the clock
and we have no idea how long the fallout will to ensure our industry
last to our economy is up-to-date with the
uLisa Hillu
federal guidelines and
exemptions from all the
different agencies which the
propane industry is regulated
by Both organizations have
important information on-line
for you to access:
PERC COVID-19 resource
NPGA resources (access
through member login)
and many, many more! I encourage you to
Stop in and see us! continue to work smart and
safe Please do not hesitate
to contact me if you need
1405 Sinnett Avenue • Dothan, Alabama 36303 anything I hope APGA will
800-433-8925 start our training back up in
May or June Stay tune!■
8 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2020