Page 11 - 2022 directory
P. 11
Section 2. Associate membership shall be available to any individual or business organization not qualified for
active membership who has a vested interest in the Industry. Associate members shall be entitled to all rights and
privileges of membership in APGA with the exception of the right to vote, to serve on the Board of Directors, and to serve
on committees. Lawyers, law firms and legal consultants shall not be eligible for membership.
Section 3. Honorary member shall be any person elected to such membership by the Board of Directors of the
Association. Such membership shall be continuous until revoked by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors. Honorary
members shall not be required to pay dues.
Section 4. Life member shall be a person who has been a continuous member of the Association for at least 20
years, who has retired from the Propane Gas Business, and who has been elected to such classification by the Board
of Directors of the Association. A life membership shall be revoked should the holder return to active participation in the
propane business. Life members shall not be required to pay dues.
Section 5. Each member shall designate in its application the individual who will act as his or its executive
representative in the affairs of APGA. Any active member or associate member may change its representative at any
time by a written notice to the Executive Director, naming the new representative.
Section 6. Any member may be terminated from the Association for cause by the unanimous vote of the Board
of Directors.
Section 7. The annual membership meeting of APGA shall be held each year at the Annual Convention. The
membership shall be given written notice of the time and place of such annual meeting at least thirty (30) days prior to
the meeting.
Section 8. Government-subsidized monopolies and their subsidiaries and affiliates that leverage that monopoly
in the retail propane market are ineligible for membership.
(A) Leveraging a government-subsidized monopoly in the retail propane market includes, but is
not limited to, the following anti-competitive practices: cross-subsidization, cost-shifting,
consumer misinformation, and/or attempted monopoly of markets for home and water heating
(B) Any subsidiary or affiliate of a government-subsidized monopoly that is deemed ineligible for
membership by this requirement may appeal to the Board of Directors and shall be afforded
a reasonable opportunity to demonstrate that its operations in the retail propane market do
not include, and are not benefitted by, any anti-competitive practices as proscribed by this
Section 9. Affiliate membership shall be available to any company holding a Class “C”, "F" or “F-1" Permit issued
by the Alabama LP Gas Board. Affiliate members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of membership in APGA
with the exception of the right to vote, to serve on the Board of Directors and to serve on committees.
Section 1. There shall be two districts in the State. The geographical boundaries of the Districts shall be as shown
on the Map of Alabama which is attached to and made a part of these By-Laws. The Districts shall be the North and
Section 2. The geographical boundaries of the Districts can be changed by a 2/3's vote of the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Each district shall hold a minimum of one meeting per year.
Section 1. Any APGA officer or employee designated by the Board of Directors shall be insured by a fidelity bond
in such amount as the Board of Directors shall deem necessary and the cost shall be paid by APGA.
Section 2. The bank or banks used as depositories by the APGA Secretary/Treasurer shall be designated by the
Board of Directors. All funds coming into the possession of, and belonging to APGA, shall be deposited in said bank(s).
Withdrawals from the account shall be made as follows:
(A) Amounts less than $1,001 shall be approved by the Executive Director and requires only the
Executive Director's signature on the check.