Page 16 - 2022 directory
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THREATS •Monitor state legislative issues
•Loss of membership •During the session, communicate weekly legislative
•Lawsuits toward members activities to the board and governmental affairs
•Negative perception of the product by the public committee
•Competitive Energies •Work with other groups/agencies/organizations to
•Volatility of prices encourage positive legislation for propane
•Perception of availability of supply •Seek parity with natural gas
•Limited pipeline/distribution system •Support NPGA on federal issues
•Regulatory and Security issues •Increase participation in AlaPropanePAC
•Competitors R&D vs. Industry R&D •Encourage member involvement with AL LP Gas
•Availability/Cost of Insurance Board
•Meet with Alabama Congressional Delegation around
OPPORTUNITIES the state when available
•REAC Program •Work with ADECA on VW Settlement Funding to be
used on Propane Vehicles
•PERC Program •Conduct a state legislative event in Montgomery
•Existing and emerging propane markets
•Environmental issues MEETINGS
•Inclusion in National Energy Policy •Offer one district meeting per district in May
•Economic Stimulus Tax Credits and other consumer •Select location for 2022 October APGA Meetings by
incentives December 2021
•Maintain APGA website
SAFETY & EDUCATION / MARKETING •Produce Electronic APGA Membership Directory
•Apply for REAC funds to supplement APGA safety •Produce Electronic APGA Magazine bi-monthly
and educational program and fund regulator rebate •Provide a written report for the magazine and Board
program meetings on district meetings, board meetings,
•Apply for PERC funds for safe appliance rebate convention, etc.
program •Hold a scholarship fund-raising event
•Offer a variety of Safety & Educational Courses •Present 2022 Budget at 2021 Fall Board meeting
•Offer Appliance Installation Rebates for water •Present 2021-2022 Strategic Plan at 2021 Fall Board
heaters, stoves/dryers, logs, and new service outlets meeting
•Offer New Customer Kits with safety information •District Directors to make periodic contact with
•Maintain APGA Employee Training Database members in their respective district
•Assist in selecting topics for district meetings •Encourage membership participation at committees
•Provide bi-monthly safety article for APGA News meetings, board meetings, and the annual convention
•Distribute monthly safety meeting topics with test
•Promote the use of the Training Facility by supplier
•Promote the use of the PERC Learning Center
•Assist industry in utilizing PERC marketing campaign
material on the local level
•Assist industry with marketing propane as a motor
fuel with local, county, and state governments as well
as private fleets
•Work with Alabama LP Gas Board
•Partner with PERC on Environmental Messaging
•Participate in Vets2Techs/GeneratioNext Workforce
Development Program
•Continue partnerships with Community Colleges
•Provide 2020 NFPA 58 Handbook to industry