Page 4 - mar-apr 2018
P. 4

word from the president

                        e have had a fantastic December          you   And in addition to the Southeastern,  you
                        and January in the propane               may also view the association’s website to
                        industry!  It has had its challenges     see a list of all the training courses that will be
           Wwith supply and road conditions,                     offered this year   You may now register online
            but it brought the long overdue cold weather         for these courses and pay online for them
            that our industry needs                              I want to thank all of our dealers and suppliers
                 Now that the weather is back to normal,         for their continued support of the association
            there are many things coming up on the               Your dues, PAC
            horizon for the association   We will have           contributions,
            our winter committee meetings and board              and scholarship
            meeting on March 15, 2018   This will be a           donations are much
            special meeting since we will be dedicating          appreciated and
            the training room in honor of Scott Lybarger         along with your
            and his many years of dedicated devotion to          individual input is
            our industry   For a list of the committees and      what makes our
            times please refer to page 19                        association so strong
                 Also coming up in April is the Southeastern     I look forward to
            Convention and Expo   It will be April 6 - 8         seeing as many of        uChad Chaversu
            in Atlanta   Please refer to the article in the      you as possible in
            magazine about the event to see what                 March in Prattville.■
            educational opportunities will be available to

              Bigger. Better. Fire Bowl!

                  TRI STATE
                  DISTRIBU TO RS                                                                      PREMIUM GRILLS
                   Serving Alabama
                     Kevin Green
                                         w w w . tri-s t a t edis tribut or s.c om
                   1105 Kershaw Street
                Montgomery, Alabama 36108               follow us:
                   Phone: 334-264-7020
                   Toll Free: 800-221-7902

     4                                           Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  March / April 2018
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