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LP gas board  | comments & reviews

                      t the request of some within the           example, if a “wet line” is used to fill cylinders in
                      industry, we are using this article to     retail sales under a Class F permit, then a Class
                      address LP-Gas dispensing stations         F permit would have to be obtained from the
            Athat operate without a pump and are                 board   In contrast, if a “wet line” is only being
            commonly known as “wet lines”   Using a Q&A          used to fill forklift cylinders on site at a business
            format, we hope to effectively communicate           to operate their own forklifts, then no permit is
            that “wet lines” are no different with respect       required from the board because the user is not
            to code requirements than pump dispensers            “in the business” of filling cylinders for the public.
            commonly used to fill cylinders within the                8  What are equipment requirements for
            industry                                             “wet line” installations?
                 1  What is a dispensing station?  NFPA 58       •    Pull-a-way   NFPA 58 (2011Edition) 6 24 4 2
            (2011 Edition) 3.3.19 defines a dispensing station   •    Internal or ESV   NFPA 58  6 24 3 8
            as “Fixed equipment in which LP-Gas is stored        •    Remote shutdown   NFPA 58  6 24 3 9
            and dispensed into portable containers ”             •    Fire extinguisher    NFPA 58  6 24 4 2
                 2  Is the presence of a pump required to        •    Scales for cylinders other than motor fuel
            qualify as a dispensing station?  No                 cylinders  Alabama Admin Code 530-x-2 04(a)
                 3  Are installation codes for dispensing        •    Quick-acting hose end valve    NFPA 58
            stations limited to those dispensing stations used   6 24 3 13
            only in retail sales?  No                            •    Adequate lighting    NFPA 58  6 18 5
                 4  Do dispensing installations commonly         •    Everything required at a pump dispenser is
            referred to as “wet lines” qualify as a dispensing   also required at a wet line installation, except,
            station thereby requiring adherence to all           of course, the remote pump shut-down
            related installation codes?  Yes                          9  Can liquid withdrawal valve openings
                 5  What are the training requirements for       located on top of tanks be used to supply “wet
            individuals transferring propane through “wet        lines”? Yes, provided that the liquid withdrawal
            lines”?  NFPA 58 (2011 Edition) 4 4 requires         valve used is listed by the manufacturer for use
            “Persons who transfer liquid LP-Gas, who are         in permanent installation  Older withdrawal
            employed to transport LP-Gas, or whose primary       valves were intended only to empty a tank prior
            duties fall within the scope of this code shall      to transporting it
            be trained in proper handling procedures                  10   What are security requirements for
            Refresher training shall be provided at              “wet line” installations? Either a fence (6 ft
            least every 3 years   The training shall be          high topped with barbed wire) or means to
            documented ”                                         lock the valves and appurtenances to prevent
                 6  What are the board requirements for          unauthorized operation or tampering    NFPA 58
            individuals transferring propane through “wet        (2011 Edition)  6 24 3 7
            lines”?  The board’s Employee Competency                  11   What should you do upon discovery
            Requirements in Alabama Administrative Code          of a “wet line” in violation of code?  Update
            530-X-2- 11 apply only to permit holders and         it in accordance with code or don’t provide
            their employees which are in the business of job     product for its continued service
            functions covered by each individual permit               As always, you may contact our office
                 7  Is a board permit required for “wet          with questions at our new telephone number
            lines”?  A board permit would only be required       (334) 430-7642   Thank you for your efforts to
            for a “wet line” used in an activity of “business”   make the industry safer!■
            regulated by one of the board’s 10 permits   For

     7                                           Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  March / April 2018
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