Page 8 - mar-apr 2018
P. 8
from the executive director’s desk
N-LINE COURSE REGISTRATION/ 31, 2016, but were extended retroactively
PAYMENT. I am excited to inform through December 31, 2017 Please pass this
you of a new way to register your information along to your autogas customers
Oemployees for APGA educational Click the following links for more information:
courses Please visit the training portion of Alternative Fuel Excise Tax Credit
our website by clicking here You will notice Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Tax Credit
that per course, you may either download Alternative Fuel Mixture Excise Tax Credit
and print the registration form or you may VW SETTLEMENT
register online In addition to registering online, APGA is continuing to communicate with
you can pay with a credit card at the same ADECA regarding the $25 million the state
time and receive an email receipt for your of Alabama will
registration and payment Please note that to receive from the
register online, you do not have to pay with a VW Settlement
credit card you can request an invoice be Unfortunately, it
sent to your company has been a slow
The President signed into law the Bipartisan several school
Budget Act of 2018 Of noted importance districts interested
were several Alternative Fuel Tax Credits in the possibility
which had originally expired on December of propane
uLisa Hillu
school buses qualifying for
funding We also continue
to combat negative and
false information that seems
to be circulating around
Your SINGLE SOURCE for school districts stating
propane school buses will
not save money and cost
more than diesel We have
great statistics to prove this
rumor false We urge every
company that is interested
in propane school buses to
contact your school district
superintendent, transportation
and many, many more! director and/or board
Stop in and see us! members and start the line of
communicate now Currently,
we have four school districts
1405 Sinnett Avenue • Dothan, Alabama 36303 using and loving propane
800-433-8925 school buses I look forward
to the day we can say more
than half of Alabama school
districts benefit from propane
school buses!■
8 Alabama Propane Gas Association | March / April 2018