Page 14 - may-june 2019
P. 14



                                                                                                By Mike Dreyer

                     n accident that oc-       transfer operation, the junior    the plug once propane started
                     curred in 2007 in West    tech unscrewed a safety plug      and did not stop escaping from
                     Virginia shows how        from the liquid withdrawal valve   the telltale, an uncontrolled re-
           Aa seemingly routine                on the old tank   The plug is     lease of propane occurred and
            operation can quickly result in    designed with a “telltale” that   sent a jet of gas upward and
            tragedy   A senior and a junior    allows the release of propane     into the eaves of the store   Wit-
            propane technician arrived at      as the plug is removed   If there   nesses described a large white
            the Little General Store outside   is a release, that tells the tech a   cloud coming from around the
            of Ghent to transfer propane       dangerous condition could re-     tank as well as the smell of pro-
            service to a new retailer’s tank     sult if the plug is removed com-  pane both outside and inside
            Part of their work required them   pletely and serves as a warning   the store
            to pump pro-                                                                               The junior
            pane from an                                                                           tech contact-
            existing tank                                                                          ed the senior
            that was lo-                                                                           tech and 911
            cated directly                                                                         and advised
            beside a retail                                                                        there was a
            store (itself a                                                                        gas leak at
            Code viola-                                                                            the store   The
            tion) into the                                                                         senior tech
            new retailer’s                                                                         returned to
            tank that was                                                                          the store and
            located 10                                                                             was joined
            feet away                                                                              there by the
            During their                                                                           fire captain
            work, the se-                                                                          and two EMTs
            nior tech was                                                                          At no time
            called away                                                                            was the retail
            to make a                                                                              store evacu-
            delivery,                       Aftermath of the explosion in Ghent, WV                ated, despite
            leaving the junior tech alone to                                         reports of propane inside
            complete the transfer   The se-                                          the store  Similarly, the area
            nior tech was CETP trained and     that the plug should immedi-      surrounding the tank and store
            had several years of on-the-job    ately be retightened   In fact,   was not evacuated and se-
            experience and training; in con-   testing of the valve post-acci-   cured
            trast, the junior technician had   dent showed that the valve was            Roughly thirty minutes
            no CETP training and had been      stuck in the open condition       passed between the time of
            on the job for only 45 days        As a result, when the inexperi-   the initial release and the gas
                   To begin the routine        enced tech failed to retighten    finding an ignition source.  The

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