Page 17 - may-june 2019
P. 17
development?” “Who has the 6. Make only the commitments B rds wear you down!
most to gain?” The answer of you can keep. One of the real 8. Practice professional
course, is you stresses in life is failing to keep courage. Most people don’t
3. Do something you love every commitments Create a system like conflict. You likely think
day. You may not love your of measuring and organizing of conflict as scary, harmful,
job and you may not believe your work so that you know aggressive and just downright
you can find something there what you can and cannot take mean and it can be! But done
to love But, you can Most on Be realistic Under-promise well, with professionalism and
people do their jobs using the and over-deliver meaningful purpose can help
skills and aptitudes they have 7. Avoid getting dragged down everyone get things resolved
What is it that you do well and into the negative swamp If 9. Make Friends. “Do you have
enjoy doing? What skill do you you’re choosing to be happy a best friend at work?” Liking
have that you like using most? at work, avoid negative and enjoying your coworkers
Find some way to can be a sign of
do your job with It’s not your aptitude, but your attitude, that how happy you are
the skills, talents, determines your altitude.” ~~Zig Ziglar in your job Take
aptitudes and time to get to know
energy you have them These are
4. Take responsibility for conversation, malicious gossip the people you have chosen
knowing what’s going on at and unhappy people as much to work with They can provide
work. People complain that as you can It’s an old saying mutual support, advice and
they don’t receive enough from the ranks: “Non-Legitimum- feedback ■
information and information Carborendum” - Don’t let the
about what is happening
with their company They
have become ships that
pass in the night They wait Looking for a reliable,
for the boss to fill them up customized supply plan?
with knowledge and that
knowledge rarely comes
Why? Because the boss is Crestwood’s experienced NGL professionals can help you create a
busy doing her job and she reliable, yet flexible supply plan from the Dixie Pipeline or Hattiesburg.
doesn’t know what you Want to know more???
don’t know Seek out the Call Max Johnson today to see how Crestwood can help you with index
information you need to pricing agreements, fixed price and option hedges or our transportation
work effectively and storage capabilities.
5. Ask for feedback Max Johnson | Supply/Asset Manager-Southeast
regularly. If you know
you’re doing well, you D: (816) 329.5316
may just want it to be C: (913) 972.5721
acknowledged If you ICE ID: mjohnson31
know you’re not doing
the job, think about what
you should or shouldn’t be
doing that’s causing your
bad performance then
discuss this with your boss
and ask for feedback
17 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2019