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resulting massive explosion killed   it is a “serious activity that can   in this case, this accident likely
            four people:  both the service     potentially lead to an uncon-     never would have happened
            techs, an EMT, and the fire cap-   trolled release of propane ”             Make certain your em-
            tain   Several others who had      CETP provides that the tech       ployees are properly trained,
            remained inside the store were     should “carefully and slowly      that the training is thoroughly
            injured but survived  The store    loosen the plug or cap from the   documented, and that refresh-
            was completely destroyed, and      liquid withdrawal valve – Be ex-  er training is regularly provid-
            several nearby vehicles were       tremely cautious when loosen-     ed.■
            heavily damaged  Both of the       ing the cap         Never loosen
            500-gallon tanks were thrown a     the plug or cap more than one     Mark is a partner in the law firm of Con-
                                                                                 ner & Winters, LLP in Tulsa, OK. Mark has
            considerable distance by the       turn        If propane liquid stops   litigated cases since 1988.  His practice
            blast                              escaping from the weep hole,      includes representing different segments
                                                                                 of the gas fuels industry, the vehicle rent-
                   This scenario serves as a   it is safe to continue removing   al industry, and product manufacturers.
            cautionary tale about the im-      the plug or cap ”  It goes on to   Mark has defended propane retailers,
            portance of training   The junior   describe the danger if the pro-  wholesalers, and tank manufacturers
                                                                                 in personal injury, wrongful death, and
            tech who was left unsupervised     pane flow does not stop: “If the   property damage claims in twenty states,
            to perform the transfer opera-     valve is NOT working properly,    as well as provided counsel regarding
                                                                                 regulatory compliance matters.  He has
            tion had very little on-the-job    propane will continue to spray    also represented gas utilities in personal
            training and had not participat-   out after loosening the plug or   injury and property damage claims.You
                                                                                 can contact Mike at:
            ed in CETP   The hazards asso-     cap   If propane continues to
            ciated with a liquid withdrawal    escape, STOP!  Immediately
            procedure are highlighted in       retighten the plug or cap ”  Had
            CETP materials which warn that     those instructions been followed

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                                                                                                     Debbie Cannon

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