Page 4 - nov-dec2017.indd
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word from the president

                         ne of the issues that NPGA and PERC            NPGA continues to work with OSHA to get
                         have been pushing the past several        the Crane Rule delayed for at least one year.
                         months is Winter Preparedness. The        OSHA has filed an Intent to Delay but as of
             Oreason for this is that our national                 this article, its has not been finalized. The
              supply has not built to a level we are comfortable   compliance date for this rule is Nov. 17, 2017.
              with going into the 17-18 winter. We actually        Members of Congress sent a letter over to
              have less days of supply than we had the winter      OSHA in support
              of 13-14. In addition, we will export nearly 10      of the propane
              billion gallons of propane by the end of the year.   gas industry,
              In 13-14, the U.S. was still a net importer so this is   encouraging OSHA
              extremely concerning.                                to exempt our
                   Pease be supply ready. Make sure you            industry from this
              have adequate supply for your customers. Have        burdensome rule.
              a plan B for supply if something happens with        Our industry already
              your primary supplier. Consumers are not thinking    has sufficient crane
              “cold weather” in Alabama since we had warm          training in place.
              winters the last two years. Continue to encourage    We are pleased that      Chad Chavers
              your customers to fi ll their tanks and offer pre-buy   Rep. Mike Rogers from
              opportunities for them. Remember...take care of      Alabama did sign
              your business because no one else can do it for      onto this letter. We will update the industry as
              you.                                                 soon as possible.■

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       4                                Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  November/December  2017
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