Page 8 - nov-dec2017.indd
P. 8
from the executive director’s desk
n behalf of the APGA Board of Basic Principles & Practices. They will be required
Directors, I want to thank each of you to complete the on-line course. They will take
for your support of the association. the end of the module review exams as well. The
OAlabama is very fortunate to have instructor will monitor the employees’ progress
a strong association. APGA was hit hard with and will be able to customize the review the
the withdraw of a couple of large multistate day of the exam to only topics that were issues
companies due to issues they have with NPGA; for employees. On test day, they will go through
however, your Board took appropriate measures that review, then take the fi nal exam. The
to ensure services from APGA are not reduced. review/exam will be offered on June 19. Please
note that the original in-class two day Basic
REBATE PROGRAM Principles & Practices
APGA’s rebate program for water heaters will continue to be
and new service outlets started October 1st and offered twice next
will last until September 30, 2018 or until funds are year as well. For a
depleted. We have 200 water heater rebates at full copy of the 2018
$200 each and 170 new outlet rebates at $100 Training Schedule,
each. You were emailed the guidelines and visit our site at www.
application form. If you cannot fi nd them, go to alabamapropane. and click the box com and go to the
on the bottom right of the home page. Safety and Training
tab. Lisa Hill
The 2018 APGA Training Schedule is set. VW SETTLEMENT
APGA will continue to provide courses that will FUNDING FOR PROPANE SCHOOL BUSES
enhance the knowledge and skill set of your This settlement is coming down from a
employees. We are trying something new with federal court. The so called “clock” has started
Basic Principles & Practices in June next year. ticking for everything to start coming together.
“Blended Learning” is where the employee, On pages 10-11 of this issue, you will see what
approximately three weeks prior to the testing was just emailed to all Superintendents and
date, will start the on-line version of E-learning Transportation Directors seeking their interest
in receiving funding from this
settlement to use on propane school
buses. We need the industry’s help
in contacting Superintendents
and Transportation Directors. Try to
%REWDLOV WR %XONSODQWV make an appointment to discuss
this opportunity. I have additional
information I can provide you. Do
not hesitate to contact me if you
need anything.
New Bobtails Betts Vapor Proof Lights: New Installations
Refurbished Bobtails complete stock of lights, lens Maintenance & Repairs
Hydrostatic Testing & accessories All Work Performed to NFPA 58 2018 APGA/LPGA CONVENTION
Annual VK Inspections Chelsea PTO & Equipment: Code Upgrades
Annual DOT Inspections power take offs, drive shafts Storage Plant Acquisition & Removal SAVE THE DATE...July 8-10, 2018 at
Base Engineering Shutdown & accessories
the Perdido Beach Resort, Orange
%RD] $/
8 Alabama Propane Gas Association | November/December 2017