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                       • Tank Inspections                      • Pump Rebuilds
                       • Tank Repairs                          • Meter Repairs
                       • Tank Changeouts                       • Replacement Parts


                                                                      [ 8265 ]

                      4 0 8   H I G H W AY   4 9   S O U T H ,   R I C H L A N D ,   M S     3 9 2 1 8

            ...Continued from page 13          cutting torch that was filled by   Don’t give your customer a
                                               the operator until the pump       “good deal” by overfilling a
            ed note, in April 2019 the NFPA    motor “couldn’t run anymore,”     container.  It may be the worst
            published its “Home Grill Fire Ta-  because he wanted to give        deal you’ll ever make.■
            bles” that included data on the    the customer a good deal.   An
            gas grill fires between 2013 and   overfilled cylinder was alleged   Mark is a partner in the law firm of
            2017, and found an average of      to have been the cause of a       Conner & Winters, LLP in Tulsa, OK.
                                                                                 Mark has litigated cases since 1988.  His
            800 incidents per year where       motor home fire in Wright v.      practice includes representing different
            the first item ignited was flam-   Farmers Co-Op of Arkansas and     segments of the gas fuels industry, the
                                                                                 vehicle rental industry, and product
            mable or combustible liquids       Oklahoma, 620 F.2d 694 (8th Cir.   manufacturers.  Mark has defended
                                                                                 propane retailers, wholesalers, and
            or gases, leading to 30 person-    1980), and a 1000 gallon tank     tank manufacturers in personal injury,
            al injuries and $16,000,000 in     used at a drilling site was over-  wrongful death, and property dam-
                                                                                 age claims in twenty states, as well as
            damages per year.  While it is     filled to 92% in T-L Drilling Co. v.   provided counsel regarding regulatory
            unlikely that every such incident   Northern Propane Gas Co., 516    compliance matters.  He has also rep-
                                                                                 resented gas utilities in personal injury
            involved an overfilled tank, it    S.W.2d 710 (Tx. Civ. App. 1974).    and property damage claims.You can
            does give some idea of the         Retailers should be aware that    contact Mike at:
            overall number of incidents in-    accidents involving overfilled
            volving gas as the initial source   containers can occur in many
            of fire.  Tune v. Synergy Gas      different settings.
            Corp., 883 S.W.2d 10 (Mo. 1994),          What’s one possible
            involved a cylinder used for a     “take away” from all this?

    14                                 Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  September / October  2019
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