Page 10 - sept-oct 2019
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APGA’s Website Has Been Updated
e are fortunate current APGA Rebate Program. MEMBERSHIP - In this section,
to be able to Below that, you will see different you will find information on
participate in a articles on propane. benefits of APGA membership,
Wwebsite program APGA Membership Directory,
through PERC. For a very small PROPANE USES - Consumers and APGA scholarships.
annual fee, PERC handles will find information on uses
all of our content on and for building and remodeling SAFETY & TRAINING - This
hosting of our site. Our site is a home, adding or removing section is one of the most
for both consumers and APGA an appliance, agriculture, important for our dealers. You
membership. Here is what you fleet vehicles, landscape & will find all of APGA training
will find on the site: turf management, and school course information/registration,
transportation. APGA Safety Meeting Topics
HOME PAGE - In the middle and PERC Safety Material.
of the home page and the top ABOUT - This section gives Please become very familiar
right, consumers will be able to information about APGA, with this portion of the site.
type in their zip code and find Propane, APGA’s leadership
dealers in their area. Also in and staff, APGA Rebate NEWS & EVENTS - In this
the middle of the home page, Program, and any National section, you will find the current
you will have easy access to Rebate Programs. APGA News Magazine along
APGA training as well as the with past issues, APGA Event
10 Alabama Propane Gas Association | September / October 2019