Page 8 - sept-oct 2019
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from the executive director’s desk

            ENTRY LEVEL DRIVER                                        The classroom education includes a

            TRAINING REQUIREMENTS                                written/electronic exam that the applicant must
                                                                 pass with a score of 80%. The person providing
                                                                 behind the wheel training (trainer) must ‘self-
                  ntry Level Driver Training (ELDT) applies      certify’ or attest to satisfactory performance of
                  to new CDL applicants or new HME               vehicle operations.  This is not like a crane rule
                  applicants on February 7, 2020. It does not    certification.  The trainer must have a CDL and
           E apply to currently licensed drivers, unless         signs a form confirming satisfactory performance,
            the driver tries to gain a HME.  It also applies to all   similar to other DOT training ‘certification’ or
            other endorsements – like passengers.                attestation or confirmation. The same classroom
                 NPGA advocated against the                      and exam format applies to anyone seeking a
            requirements, and several components                 HME.
            specifically like minimum number of hours behind          The classroom
            the wheel.  Ultimately, Entry Level Driver Training   and behind the wheel
            was finalized by U.S. DOT, but without some of       training must be provided
            the aspects we opposed – including eliminating       by an entity or person
            any minimum number of hours for training.            registered in DOT’s
                 There is a two-part curriculum for applicants   Training Provider Registry,
            that must be completed before the applicant sits     which is a database
            for the CDL or HME exam with the state license       subject to recordkeeping
            office.                                              requirements and audit
                 1) Classroom or ‘theory’ curriculum; and        by DOT. There is not crane
                 2) Behind the wheel training (range and         rule-like certification or     uLisa Hillu
                     public road).                               authorization needed to
                                                                 be a trainer on the Training Provider Registry.
                                                                      Ready for the good news? NPGA and
                                                                 PERC are already on top of it! After advocating
                                                                 against aspects of the requirements with some
                                                                 success, but the overall regulatory package
                                                                 moving forward, NPGA pivoted to how they can
                                                                 help our members comply.  NPGA is working
                                                                 with PERC to develop the basic classroom
                                                                 curriculum (including an online video to satisfy
                                                                 the classroom requirement) and behind the
                                                                 wheel training materials that a propane marketer
                                                                 would need in order to provide in-house training
                                                                 that complies with ELDT.  In addition, NPGA
                                                                 is working on an administrative service that
                                                                 would allow marketers to have NPGA serve
                                                                 as the official training provider subject to DOT
                                                                 recordkeeping and audit, if the marketer would
                                                                 prefer not to take on that responsibility itself. The
                                                                 PERC Council approved the financial request to
                                                                 fund this project and NPGA is moving forward!
                                                                 The target date is to have this package ready for
                                                                 the industry by the compliance deadline.  NPGA
                                                                 knows they have a lot of work to do, but they’re
                                                                 excited to bring this resource together for the

     8                                 Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  September / October  2019
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