Page 12 - sept-oct 2019
P. 12

Overfilling In The OPD Age

                                                                                                By Mike Dreyer

                   ropane containers have      tended release of propane.        the husband reported hearing
                   a wide range of appli-             For instance, our office   a loud “bang” followed by a
                   cations, from portable      defended a retailer who was       “roaring” noise.  After stopping
          Pgas grills to mosquito              sued following an accident        the RV, he began walking to-
            control and motor vehicles.        involving a “dual-fuel” RV that   ward his wife who was seated
            Regardless of the application,     resulted in one death and         on a couch behind the driver’s
            overfilling a container can al-    another serious injury.  The RV’s   seat when he heard a “poof,”
            ways create a hazardous con-       fuel system consisted of the      which he reported was pro-
            dition.  When overfilled, a small   traditional gasoline engine as   pane igniting.  He exited the
            container can easily become        well as a separate propane        vehicle, but his wife did not.
            liquid full due to an increase     system and container mounted      Unfortunately, the RV manufac-
            in ambient heating, thereby        under the carriage.  The oper-    turer had designed the pro-
            causing the pressure relief valve   ator could change from gas       pane system to vent through a
            to activate and cause an unin-     to propane with just a flick of a   line that discharged next to the
                                                               switch on the     RV’s side door.  Despite flames
              WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCE                          dashboard         raging around the door, he was
              FROM AMERICA’S                                   and could         able to re-enter the RV and pull
              INDUSTRY LEADER
                                                               monitor pro-      his wife out.  The wife ultimately
              PRODUCTS:                                        pane usage        died from her injuries, and the
              •  New TRANSPORT TRAILERS
              •   New BOBTAILS                                 via a digital     husband was seriously injured.
              •  New BULK STORAGE TANKS                        light display             The Plaintiff sued several
              Ask about availability of
              used or refurbished                              on the dash-      entities, including the retail-
              transport trailers and bobtails
                                                               board.  The       er, the RV manufacturer, the
              SERVICES:                                        day before        manufacturer of the propane
              • Refurbishing & Repairs
              • Blasting & Painting                            the accident,     fuel system, the overfill protec-
              • 5-Year Inspections                             a couple had      tion device (OPD) manufac-
              • Annual Inspections                             the propane       turer, and the manufacturer
              • Stress Relieving
              • Parts                                          container filled   of the container’s excess flow
                                                               by a local re-    valve.  The Plaintiff’s theory of
                                                               tailer and then   liability against the retailer was
                          MISSISSIPPI                          drove across      that the propane container
                          TANK COMPANY                         New Mexi-         had been overfilled prior to the

              HEADQUARTERS            INDIANA DIVISION         co to Texas.      accident when it was cool, and
              P O Drawer 1391         1301 East Elkhorn Road
              Hattiesburg, MS 39403-1391  Vincennes, IN 47591-8004  During the trip,   subsequently became liquid
              PH: 800-331-8265 ext. 224    PH: 812-886-8265
              FAX: 601-264-0769       FAX: 812-886-8979        temperatures      full during the heat of the day
              www                                  climbed, and      when the RV had travelling over

    12                                 Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  September / October  2019
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