Page 5 - sept-oct 2019
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2019 Q3 90-Day Criticals
ProPane logistiCes analysis netWork PreParing for MaxiMuM DeManD
Currently, there is no centralized tool to help the propane Winter is coming – but first, there’s hurricane season and
industry optimize product logistics and maximize drivers’ what’s expected to be a potentially complicated harvest
hours of service. Drivers, dispatchers, terminal managers, in the Midwest. It’s time to prepare your company and
wholesale suppliers, and others are not able to share or customers for maximum demand.
view wait times at propane supply points. This waiting
game is particularly harmful when trying to restock bulk ACTION
plants during periods of high demand. Drivers may wait NPGA and the Propane Education & Research Council
hours at one supply point without knowing that there is (PERC) are promoting materials for marketers to educate
a much shorter wait time at another nearby supply point. consumers and decision makers on propane’s role in
Time spent waiting at a supply point could be spent home heating, emergency response, and agriculture.
delivering propane. NPGA and PERC are monitoring U.S. Department of
Agriculture crop progress reports for indications of a wet
ACTION harvest, which are included in NPGA Reports. NPGA
NPGA is developing the ‘Propane Logistics Analysis will also provide reports on supply from IHS through
Network’ (PLAN). PLAN is an online tool to share and NPGA Reports and NPGA’s website. As it has in years
view reported wait times at propane supply points across past, NPGA will work with the state/regional associations
the country. It will enable you to see and report wait to expedite hours of service waiver and other emergency
times by state or the supply points closest to you. You requests, when necessary. In addition, NPGA’s state
can quickly report wait times, and reported wait times are engagement team will work with states facing legislative
time and date stamped. PLAN will also connect you to or regulatory challenges that arise during peak demand
Emergency Declarations by state or region. periods.
NPGA will deliver PLAN by September 2019. It will Following the winter of 2013-14, the propane industry
be accessible online through NPGA’s website and the has taken tremendous steps to respond to customer
NPGAction app, and available for download at iTunes needs, including state/regional associations building
and Google PlayStore. NPGA will also share PLAN relationships with regulatory agencies to streamline
through NPGA Reports and state associations. emergency requests.
national Clean energy Week Congressional site Visits
Ensuring propane is viewed as a clean, eco-friendly Congressional site visits are one of the most effective ways to
fuel in the eyes of policymakers is crucial to strengthen relationships with Federal legislators. Over the past
protect the industry from harmful policy proposals. six months, NPGA’s federal advocacy team has been focused
Propane must be accepted as a solution to rising in Washington, DC, to highlight the industry’s legislative
carbon emissions, not a cause. priorities with the 100 new Members of Congress and other
ACTION Congressional stakeholders. The next step is to introduce these
National Clean Energy Week (NCEW) convenes legislators to propane businesses and employees back in their
home states and districts.
stakeholders and advocates to promote America’s ACTION
clean energy sources, including propane. As a Building on the success of Propane Days, NPGA has created
sponsor of NCEW, NPGA will host events around a target list of Members of Congress for site visits during the
the country to highlight the numerous ways propane upcoming August Congressional recess period. These visits
is helping to improve the environment and reduce build on NPGA’s Propane Days 365 advocacy program, which
emissions while serving a variety of communities.
promotes year-round advocacy outside Washington, DC, and
OUTLOOK encourages local grassroots engagement.
Promoting propane as a solution to emission goals OUTLOOK
and energy needs is a top priority for NPGA, and NPGA has already conducted several Congressional site
participating in NCEW is an important component visits this year and more are planned through the summer.
of that message. When policymakers talk about If your company is interested in hosting a congressional site
low-carbon energy sources, we want them to think visit, please email NPGA’s Legislative Affairs Manager, Tyler
of propane.
Lawrence (
5 Alabama Propane Gas Association | September / October 2019