Page 343 - Liver Diseases in Children
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Index      333

             C                                             Cholesteryl ester storage disease  120, 124
                                                           Cholic acid           13, 127, 267, 316

             Calcineurin inhibitor   322                   Chorioretinitis       79, 86
             Canals of Hering     3, 17, 54, 64            Cirrhosis
             Caput medusae        293                        biliary             27, 55, 60, 151, 211
             Cardiomyopathy       110, 132, 278              compensated         22, 281

               cirrhotic          282, 303                   cryptogenic         315
             Caroli disease       3, 85, 278                 decompensated       16, 281
             Cataract             79                         macronodular        67
               sunflower          146, 148                   micronodular        64, 116
             Cavernous transformation 39, 277                primary biliary     27, 151
             Celiac disease       211                      Citrullinemia         110, 131, 315
             Central vein         2, 51, 60, 70            Coagulopathy          29, 242, 276, 306, 319
             Cerebral edema       255, 263                 Complement            12, 209, 294
             Ceruloplasmin        12, 32, 149, 260         Computed tomography  35
             Chenodeoxycholic acid  13, 127, 134           Congenital disorder of glycosylation  110, 124
             Cherry-red spot      79, 121                  Congenital hepatic fibrosis   3, 125

             Child-Pugh classification  282                Constrictive pericarditis     278, 284
             Cholangiography                               Continuous veno-venous hemodialysis   131
               intraoperative     82, 99, 101              Continuous veno-venous hemofiltration   131, 264
               percutaneous transhepatic   85, 94          Controlled attenuation parameter  167
             Cholangiopancreatography                      Coombs test           148
               endoscopic retrograde 44, 82, 101, 212, 230  Copper               3, 143
               magnetic resonance  35, 82, 167, 212, 277   C-reactive protein    12
             Cholangitis          27, 76, 84, 102, 278     Creatine phosphokinase  22
             Choledochal cyst     31, 76, 84, 277          Crigler-Najjar syndrome  15, 315

             Choledocholithiasis   76                      Crohn disease         45, 114, 214
             Cholestasis                                   Cystic fibrosis       76, 214
               benign recurrent intrahepatic  15           Cytochrome            4, 16, 32, 223, 229
               extrahepatic       23                       Cytomegalovirus       67, 86, 97, 230, 324
               intrahepatic       31
               neonatal           74, 98, 123              D
               physiologic        31
               progressive familial intrahepatic 14, 65, 77, 240,   Deoxycholic acid       13
                                         3  0  5           Detoxification               11, 223, 241, 266
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