Page 344 - Liver Diseases in Children
P. 344

334      โรคตับในเด็ก

            Disseminated intravascular    29, 264         Fatty liver   22, 77, 110, 162, 278
                coagulation                               Ferritin      111, 260

            Doll-like facies             112              Fetor hepaticus  257
            D-penicillamine              142, 316         Fibrinolysis   12
            Drug Hypersensitivity Syndrome  226           Fibrosis      43, 56, 99, 116, 163, 277
            Drug-induced liver injury     222             Focal nodular hyperplasia    249
            Drug Rash with Eosinophilia   226
                and Systemic Symptoms                     G
            Dubin-Johnson syndrome       15, 31
            Ductal plate                 3                γ-Glutamyltransferase   5, 27, 89, 211, 277
            Ductopenia                   60               Galactitol            118

            Dysostosis multiplex         120              Galactosemia          77, 91, 119, 137, 266
                                                          Gallstone             76
                                                          Gaucher disease       56, 116, 278
            E                                             Gestational alloimmune liver disease   77, 260

                                                          Gilbert syndrome      15
            Echocardiography             81               Glomerulonephritis    211
            Endoscopic variceal                           Gluconeogenesis       12, 116, 164, 255, 308
              ligation                   289              Glutathione           13, 30, 223
              sclerotherapy              289              Glycogenolysis        12, 112
            End-stage liver disease      217, 276, 314    Glycogen storage disease    22, 117, 278, 315

            Enterohepatic circulation     5, 13, 30, 74, 234  Gout              113
            Enzyme replacement therapy   121              Graves disease        211
            Epstein-Barr virus           68, 230, 260, 324  Growth hormone      16
            Exchange transfusion         137, 264
            Extrahepatic portal vein obstruction        283, 291  H

            F                                             Hemangioendothelioma  239
                                                          Hemangioma            43, 239, 249

                                                          Hemodialysis          131, 266
            Fanconi-Bickel syndrome      110
            Fanconi syndrome             113, 143         Hemofiltration        137, 263
            Fatty acid                                    Hemolysis             21, 119, 148
              very-long-chain            111, 127         Hemolytic anemia      145, 180, 305
            Fatty acid oxidation defect   109, 135, 277   Hemophagocytic
            Fatty degeneration           127                  lymphohistiocytosis  261
                                                          Hemostasis            29, 306
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