Page 347 - Liver Diseases in Children
P. 347
Index 337
Retinitis pigmentosa
Piecemeal necrosis 53, 190 Rubella 77, 86
Plasmapheresis 264
Pleural effusion 302 S
Pneumoperitoneum 35
Polycystic kidney disease 280 Scintigraphy 47, 82, 100
Polysplenia 6, 80, 98 Sclerosing cholangitis
Porta hepatis 5, 62, 102 autoimmune 210
Portal hypertension 39, 98, 168, 283, 316 primary 27, 55, 63, 214, 230
Portal system 30, 283 Sepsis 60, 77, 80, 255
Portal tract 2, 11, 54, 64, 99 Septicemia 80, 128
Portal vein 4, 39, 70, 102, 286 Septo-optic dysplasia 77, 90
Portal vein thrombosis 40, 277, 292
Portopulmonary hypertension 282, 303, 318 Short bowel syndrome 90
Portosystemic shunt 39, 291, 303 Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome 226
Posterior embryotoxon 79, 87, 230 Sjogren syndrome 211
Posttransplant lymphoproliferative 40, 322 Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth 29, 165, 296
disorder Small for gestational age 77
Protein-losing enteropathy 125 Snuffle 87
Prothrombin time 29, 80, 128, 212, 259, 308 Space of Disse 10, 16, 30, 292
Pruritus 305, 319 Spherocytosis 77
Pulmonary artery stenosis 86 Sphincter of Oddi 8
Pulmonary edema 263, 302 Spider nevi 22, 211, 277
Pulmonary hypertension 123, 284 Splenorenal shunt 40, 289
Steatorrhea 98, 121, 134
R Steatosis
macrovesicular 59, 67, 227
Reducing substance 119, 135 microvesicular 12, 59, 128, 227
Rejection Stellate cell 10
acute cellular 69, 71, 324 Stercobilin 15, 30
chronic 324 Succinylacetone 81, 111, 129, 135, 267
Respiratory chain disorder 110, 270 Syndrome of inappropriate 265
Reye syndrome 28, 127, 257, 270 antidiuretic hormone
Rhabdomyolysis 22, 118, 132 Systemic inflammatory 255
Rickets 113, 129, 309 response syndrome