Page 9 - September TownCrier 2024 FINAL fixed
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example is the biceps curl. At the beginning of the
movement, while our arms are fully extended, we are
at an anatomical disadvantage. As we move the weight
through the range of motion, we gain an anatomical
advantage. Variable resistance, that accommodates
anatomical advantages and disadvantages is absent
when using barbells and dumbbells, but there is a mild
addiction to moving weights.
Variable Resistance Machines: I was first introduced
to variable resistance in high school. Our school
purchased a Multi Station Universal Machine. It
attempted to vary resistance using a long lever. Although
Resistance Training it was not terribly accurate, you could actually feel
and Cardio 101 the varying resistance while performing an exercise. Celtic Quilting Workshop
What made the machine special was it allowed several
Resistance Training students to exercise at the same time. Wednesday Sept 4 - 5-6:30 PM
The Rep: moving a resistance (weight) from a joint’s While recovering from mononucleosis, while in Please join us at the H.A.R.P. Museum in the Irish
extension, through a full range of motion, to a fully graduate school, I researched high intensity, variable Cultural Center of the Mohawk Valley on Wednesday,
flexed position, then returning it to the joint’s extension. resistance exercise. Nautilus came on the scene in the Sept 4 5 PM for our third session of Celtic knotwork
A general rule of thumb is to take two seconds from early 70’s. The Miami Dolphins promoted Nautilus as stitchery and quilting.
extension to flexion, pause one second to reduce their chosen equipment to ready them for the 1972 Celtic quilting is a form of applique, in which a Celtic
momentum, and take four seconds to return the weight season and also promoted its use during the season. knotwork design is transferred to pre-quilted fabric,
to its starting position. In 1972, the Miami Dolphins went undefeated, the last then thin bias strips are invisibly sewn (appliqued) onto
The Set: is a series of repetitions done consecutively. team to do so. Nautilus became popular for athletes and the design, keeping to the traditional over-and-under
A set of 2-5 repetitions generally encourages gains non-athletes. I used Nautilus, exclusively to prepare for color pattern.
in muscular strength. A set of 6-12 repetitions will the 1979 Mr. Kentucky and placed 2nd, followed by a This workshop will outline the basics and provide
produce muscle hypertrophy (increased muscular win in the Mr. Southeast USA. A cam, shaped like a instructions to make a quilt square, tote bag or throw
girth) while a set of 12 or more repetitions improves Nautilus shell is used to vary the resistance, much like pillow. You will come away with the information needed
muscular endurance. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th gear in our car’s transmission. To to purchase materials for your own custom project. The
What is the ideal number of sets: I’ve had a great deal date, in my professional opinion, Nautilus is the most possibilities are limited only by your imagination!
of success performing one set to momentary muscular accurate tool for varying resistance. The workshop will be held from 5:00 to 6:30 pm on
failure, where performing another repetition, in good Cardiovascular Exercise the first Wednesday of the month, September 4, and
form, is impossible. Many feel multiple sets, performed There is no magic mode of cardiovascular exercise. future dates as needed. Feel free to come back with your
shy of momentary muscular failure is better. They have Your best choice is the one you moderately enjoy project to show off or to ask a question – and bring a
the time to perform multiple sets. and find somewhat comfortable. There are only friend!
Barbells & Dumbbells: for over a century, barbells two primary factors that contribute to effective The day and time were chosen to allow participants
and dumbbells have been the chosen modes of cardiovascular exercise: Heart Rate and Time. to have dinner, if they wish, and/or enjoy the Craobh
resistance training. I used primarily barbells and Heart Rate: cardio is effective when your heart rate Dugan-O’Looney session at 7:00 – and maybe work on
dumbbells for over 10 years. Gravity compromises the ranges from 60-85% of your age appropriate maximum your project while enjoying the music!
effectiveness of both barbells and dumbbells. Gravity (220-your age) multiplied by .60-.85. The workshop fee is “donation only”, however, pre-
is a vertical force, while the joints tend to be more Time: to be effective, time spent in cardio should be registering will help us to have sufficient hand-outs
rotational. Our anatomical advantage and disadvantage 20-60 minutes. It’s important to remember, you can go prepared.
changes throughout the range of motion. A simple hard for shorter periods of time or easier for a longer You can attend this presentation at the H.A.R.P.
stretches. Museum located on the second floor of the Irish
Mode: as mentioned, there is no magic cardio. Heart Cultural Center of the Mohawk Valley, 623 Columbia
Fall Back Rate and Time are the components that matter most, St, Utica. All are welcome to attend this program and
regardless if you run, walk, bike, swim or row.
the museum is wheelchair accessible. This program is
Into Shape Sticking with regular exercise is truly a “cause and or leave a message at 315-733-4228 ext.6.
The MOST Essential Component: COMPLIANCE. free, please register at this link,
effect” matter. Exercise done regularly produces results,
Buy 6 Months dropping out and being sedentary does not.
Get 2 Months
For Only
$ 219
exp. 9/30/24
50 Genesee St.
New Hartford 2150 Oriskany St W, Utica