P. 41

Project process

      conceptualize                    supervise                    materialize                     service

       Our design                     JC White delivers            A seamless                   We stand behind
       support and sales              more than                    installation starts          the products we
       departments will               furniture, we                long before                  sell both during
       work to help you               deliver piece of             delivery day. Our            and long after
       and your project               mind. When you               project managers             installation. This is
       team                           work with us you             attend project               backed up by
       conceptualize,                 have a single                meetings                     having an in
       specify, and                   point of contact             throughout the               house service and
       visualize the best             that manages                 project process to           maintenance
       products for your              your project from            ensure a cohesive            department. This
       space. We will                 beginning to end.            coordination                 department will
       work with you to               Our in-house order           between our                  assists you with
       find product                   entry and                    installers and               processing
       solutions based on             customer service             others on your               warranty claims
       your program                   departments                  project team. JC             with manufactures
       parameters.                    ensures that all             White oversees all           or repairing items
       Whether it be                  orders are placed            installations and            not under
       budget, time,                  according to your            local jobs are               warranty for a
       sustainability or              approved                     installed by JC              nominal fee.
       adjustability our              specifications and           White employees.
       relationship with              then tracks your             Our installers arrive        We also have a
       over 150                       order until                  equipped with                fulltime, inhouse
       manufacturers                  successful delivery          detailed                     carpenter and
       makes us able to               to our attached              installation plans,          reupholster that
       provide the best               warehouse. Our               so that furniture is         can refresh
       solution for your              operations                   staged and set up            products and
       space. We are                  department                   and ready to be              extend their life
       able to then                   receives, catalogs           used.                        cycle. These are
       present those                  and preparers                                             not just cost
       solutions in ways              your order for                                            effective solutions
       that are easy for              delivery to your                                          but are also
       you and end users              project site.                                             sustainable.
       to visualize.

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