Page 11 - KLSCCCI-no404_smallMarch12
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Featuring: Summary of
Funds’ Allocation for
Women Entrepreneur by
Federal and Selangor
Fund Allocation for Women
Entrepreneur by
Federal Government
In the Malaysia Government’s Budget 2022,
government focuses on women’s rights and
interests to ensure their contributions are
greatly appreciated in family, society as well
as workplace.
The budget allocation includes:
• Woman on Board
The government, through the Securities
Commission will compel all public listed
Fund Allocation for Women companies to appoint at least one female
director, which is expected to take effect on
Entrepreneur by Sept 1, 2022, for large-cap companies and
Selangor Government on June 1, 2023, for other listed companies.
• Women Leadership Foundation
• Niaga Darul Ehsan Scheme The government will also provide RM5 million
The Hijrah Selangor Foundation (Hijrah) has spent to the Women Leadership Foundation to
RM6.78 million to fund the Niaga Darul Ehsan Scheme (NaDI) boost the group's participation in the
from February 2 till to date. The amount has benefited 1,637 economic sector.
women entrepreneurs in Selangor, who each obtained
funding for their businesses between RM1,000 to RM5,000. • MyKasih Capital Programme
The scheme application process is quick and easy, in The government will launch the MyKasih
addition to applicants not having to attend weekly Capital programme to encourage women to
meetings, unlike similar microcredit programmes. generate income from home. Incentives in
“We believe the scheme will help women to create the form of basic business capital will also be
new income streams for their families and themselves, in given in addition to a training programme to
addition to helping the household financially.” promoting online businesses.
It is open to women and all races, interested
individuals can apply at Visit
or contact the Financing Officer at Hijrah Selangor’s 20 for more information on Budget Allocation for
branches. Women Entrepreneur