Page 29 - FCA Diamond Point Mar 23_edits-1
P. 29
Again, I would like to thank you for your
Branch Chief Notes by:
LTC William J. L. Gregory continued patience, and we continue to assist
through the assignment process.
Greetings from Fort Knox,
Kentucky. The FY 24-01 AIM marketplace will open 5-25
May 2023. This marketplace is unlike any in the
It is an honor to serve in recent past as it is a limited group of
this position as the Branch movers. The population of movers are:
Chief at HRC. These first * Officers headed into or out of professional
few weeks were fast and
furious as LTC Brown military education (PME) and advanced
education programs (ADP) for example ACS,
showed me the ropes as TWI
she expertly closed out
AIM Marketplace 23-02 and LTC Gregory * Centralized Selection List (CSL)
worked the FY24 CSL. LTC Carla Brown
* SHARP/Medical/Hardship/Emergency
thank you for all the work and dedication over
* In and out of OCONUS/DEROS
the last few years for every officer in the
Finance Corps. Your patient support to each
officer and family is greatly appreciated. On a * Readiness critical/emergent scenario
personal note, thank you for the wonderful
left seat – right seat training prepping me for * LTs
this transition; will do my best to meet the As a result of the limited 24-01 market, the 24-02
standard you provided in professionalism and AIM marketplace is going to be larger than
thoroughness in taking care of the officers in normal.
the Corps. Best of luck in retirement – it is
well earned.
The team here will continue to look for
There were some discussions with the FY24 opportunities to engage you and your leaders
Centralized Selection List (CSL) as it was through site visits, newsletters, and the AIM
briefed at the HQDA level. The release of the portal to stay connected and passing along the
list is now expected in mid-April. Please be most up to date information available. All while
patient as we wait for its gaining from your requirements from the
release. Additionally, we are finishing the 23- field. We are here to support each of you be it
02 movement cycle, for officer identified to find a candidate for an open position, provide
move this summer. Many of you have already recommendations for a nominative position, or
received your RFOs for you next some recommendations. Reach out to your
PCS. Unfortunately, some RFOs take longer assignment officer so we can better help you.
because additional coordination they take for
certain assignments (joint and
nominative). There was also an issue as we
use IPPS-A for the release of RFOs. In some
cases, the RFOs are complete and need the
officer to go into IPPS-A via the URL, if you go “Self-
service”, and then to “My Assignment
Elections”, click upon the assignment
elections and complete the elections activity
guide. This will complete the process and
free the RFO for final release. Please feel free
to contact us if we can help.