Page 30 - FCA Diamond Point Mar 23_edits-1
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           Company Grade Officers Notes by:                     I would ask for the support and promotion of
                     MAJ William D. Vaughn, JD                  the above from all leaders IOT stress the
                                                                importance of planning a career timeline.
          It is both a pleasure and a
           privilege to serve as the                            23-02 MARKETPLACE CLOSE & IPPS-A

           Finance and Comptroller                              At the time of writing this article, I am still
          Branch Company Grade                                  working toward the market close. All officers

          Assignment Officer. I look                            have been notified of their   assignments at this

          forward to continuing to                              time. However, changes have occurred due to
           work with all of you during                          needs of the Army.
          the close of my tenure at

          HRC. At FC Branch, we are                             Some important changes have occurred with

           committed to ensuring the                            the implementation of IPPS-A. RFOs are no
          Army’s needs are met while          MAJ Vaughn         longer published to officers via AIM2. Officers

          also striving to meet the professional                are now notified by IPPS-A that a new

          development and personal needs of our                 assignment requires them to complete member
           officers.                                            elections. Once you complete your member

                                                                elections, your local MPD will begin the orders
          CAREER COUNSELING                                     process. Another change, orders are no longer

                                                                pages and pages long, but only a simple page
          All officers are strongly encouraged to reach         with codes reflecting your entitlement from

           out to me at any time IOT schedule a career          IPPS-A.

          counseling session. You do not need nor have          This transition has not been without challenges.

          to wait until FC Branch schedules a visit to          With any new system of record, transferring
          your location. Honestly, it is the easiest and        data from an old system to a new system can

          most convenient way to speak with an officer          create unexpected issues. However, each day

           about their career and answer your questions.        sees progress with the transition.
          It also ensures I have connectivity to all
          systems for the counseling session.                   In the past, all officers would be in receipt of

                                                                their RFO by this time. Unfortunately, this is not
          If you are interested, send an email or call me       the case. I will continue to work toward

          IOT schedule an appointment.                          resolving all issues, daily, until complete. If you

                                                                believe your report date is unreasonable as a

           FCCCC ATTENDANCE                                     result of delays, please reach out and we can
                                                                work to a resolve. Thanks for your patience.

          FCCCC is offered twice a year with classes

                                                                24-01 LIMITED MARKETPLACE
          beginning in January and July. Ideally, newly

           promoted officers should immediately attend          The marketplace for the 24-01 PCS (Winter PCS

           FCCCC within 12 months of gaining                    from 1OCT23 thru 31MAR24) is scheduled to be
          promotable status. Currently, we have a               conducted during May. This will be a limited

           backlog of officers requiring FCCCC. This is a       market based upon specific guidance from the
          result of limited seats and officers delaying         OPORD 23-001, ATAP 24-01. The essential

          attendance. As such, this is creating an issue        move categories are moving to/from PME, CSL,

                                                                In or out of OCONUS,
          with obtaining the previously mentioned goal

          of immediate attendance for newly promoted            SHARP/Medical/Hardship/Emergency or
          officers.                                             Readiness Critical/Emergent Scenario officers.

                                                                All officers with a current 24-01 YMAV and not

                                                                in one of the categories above will have their
          Delays to attend FCCCC should not be the
          norm. This avoids unforeseen pitfalls in your         YMAV adjusted at HRC to the 24-02 cycle.

          timeline which may or may not occur. It also

                                                                I anticipate notification of 24-01 officers will
          allows officers the chance to experience a
          variety of opportunities during their O3              occur in late March and early April. If you have

          progression while preparing for the next level.       any questions or concerns, please contact me

                                                                                                                       and we can discuss your situation.

          I would ask for the support and promotion of       28
          the above from all leaders IOT stress the
          importance of planning a career timeline.
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