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                Active Guard/Reserve (AGR)                      What is the difference between PAR and CRM?
               Assignment Officer Notes by:
                                                                  A Personnel Action Request (PAR) is a self-
                       MAJ Kyle Schwemmer                         service tool and may be submitted by the

          Financial Management                                    Soldier for actions related to your personnel
                                                                  file and the PAR is routed through your
          Leaders,                                                S1/approval chain of command for

           All current 36A Army                                   completion. You can view an instructional
          Reserve (AR) Active                                     video on PAR here (CAC enabled)
           Guard Reserve (AGR)                                    A Customer Relationship Management
          23-02 Soldiers Identified                               (CRM) ticket is a self-service tool and can be
          to Move (SIM) have been
           receiving orders. IPPS-A                               submitted for both HR and IT case
            delayed the order process                             resolution. CRMs can be submitted for pay
                                                                  issues, your HR record, actions, system
          with order production
          beginning late February.        MAJ Schwemmer           errors, and system performance. A CRM will
                                                                  be issued a ticket number, submitted to
          Orders are being publish by    MAJ Schwemmer            customer service and further sent to the
          report date as Officer Management Division              appropriate action list. You ca  n view an

           (OMD) follows a phase spend plan in reference          instructional video on CRM here (CAC
          to 452 (PCS orders) being published. All 24-01          enabled)
           SIMs have been identified to move; please
          look for preference sheets MID-AUGUST; after          I’ve submitted a CRM ticket thru IPPS-A self-
          all preference sheets are received, the               service option, but no one has answered or
           slating process with commence. Please keep           responded, what do I do now?
          all individual readiness matrices up to
           date (EFMP, PHA, HIV Draw, Security                    HRC noticed a lag in the completion of some
          Clearances…). Though the timeline can shift,            CRM tickets and stood up a working group
          PCS election memorandums are expected to                to directly address the issue. The working
          be sent out early September.                            group has identified areas for improvement
                                                                  and is implementing an improved workflow
                                                                  to better route CRM tickets ensuring they get
             Noncommissioned Officer Notes                        to the appropriate staff as quickly as
                 by: SFC Benjamin A. Richardson                   possible.

           Finance and Comptroller                              Should I send my personal grievance to IG?
          Leaders,                                                While every Soldier is entitled to discuss
                                                                  matters with IG, as a direct reporter or a
          HRC’s 24-hour Army                                      third-party reporter, we encourage you to
           Service Center IPPS-A                                  work through your chain of command first.
          Helpline is available to                                Reporting to IG will not speed up the time in

          Assist at 1-844-474-7772                                 which your case will be resolved.
          Or by email at                   SFC Richardson
          Usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.Tagd-ask-                         How do I rectify my record if I've been passed
                                         over for a promotion/how do I contact enlisted
                                                                promotions to submit my case for promotion?

          Is HRC tracking pay-impacting cases?
                                                                Enlisted members who believe they have met
            Yes, we are tracking individual cases,              requirements for promotion but have otherwise
            specifically pay-impacting cases, for               been left off promotion lists may complete the
            resolution. There are two separate methods          following to have their records reviewed:
            available to address record discrepancies,          Submit their request for corrections to the
            either by submitting a PAR or a CRM ticket.         Evaluations, Selections and Promotions

                                                                Division at:

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