Page 2 - London - Agenda Overview - Draft
P. 2

Michael Reiss von Filski
AILFN Chairman

November 2017

Dear Esteemed Network Colleague:
I am writing to personally invite you and your members to attend the approaching
Professional Services Convergence 2020 Summit on January 29 and 30, 2018 on London.
The Summit is open to everyone with an interest in law and accounting networks
including key decision-makers -- CEOs, COOs, CMOs, directors, and committee chairs.
The Summit will focus on practical transformative and collaborative issues facing
professional service networks and their members in both law and accounting service
lines. This includes a panoramic view of changes occurring, progress impediments,
disaggregation of services, network operations, and practical technology to enhance
network effectiveness in providing benefits to their memberships. The sessions will be
lead by recognized speakers from the media, academia, and consulting.
If you and your members would like to discuss these matters with our exclusive group
of speakers – register now.
We look forward to welcoming you and your colleagues in London.

Michael Reiss von Filski, LLM
Global CEO,
GGI Geneva Group International AG *
Chairman of the Board
*GGI Geneva Group International AG is a multidisciplinary network whose independent
members provided $5.245 billion of professional services in 2016.
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