Page 3 - London - Agenda Overview - Draft
P. 3



Monday, 29 January 2018

2:00 - 4:00 AILFN Board of Directors Meeting

7:30 - 9:30 An Optional Evening: Networking Dinner Group ADDED COST

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

8:00 - 9:00 Smart-Start Check-In, Registration, Breakfast All plenaries occur in the Meston Suite

9:00 Welcome Michael Reiss von Filski, LLM – Global CEO, GGI Global Alliance

9:15 Delegates Roll Call
Participant self-introductions with 2 recent events in their network and firm

9:30 Legal and Accounting Markets - 360 View from 10,000 Meters

What are the top 5 Changes in Professional Services that will result in their
transformation? What are impediments? Where are the important
intersections and forces at play?

►MODERATOR: Stephen J. McGarry – President, AILFN
►Matt Byrne - Deputy Editor, The Lawyer (Invited)
►Vincent Huck - Group Editor, International Accountancy Bulletin and
►Stephen Denyer - Director of Strategic Relationships at The Law Society of
England & Wales

10:15 - 11:00 Disaggregation of Professional Services: What are the implications for firms,
clients and the legal profession?

11:00 A discussion covering how lawyers, law firms, and networks are impacted by legal
service segmentation such as ABS and LPOs

►MODERATOR: Stephen Blundell – Acritas, Head of Acritas Advisors
► Michael Napier– Consultant and IBA ABS Committee (Invited)
► Al Giles – Executive Vice President Axoim (Invited)
►Martin Sharp OBE – DFK International, Executive Director
►Christoph H. Vaagt Principal – Law Firm Change Consultants (Invited)

Coffee & Tea

11:15 Purchasing Services Redefinition: Fixed Fees, Project-Based, Volume-Pricing, New
12:00 Contingency, Cost-Plus

New structures, service, product alignment, delivery sytems, technology challenges
and opportunities

►MODERATOR: Michael Roch - Principal
►Mark Ross– Integreon, Vice President - Legal Services
►Stephen Hamlet – CEO Russell Bedford International (Invited)
►Christopher Murphy-Ives - ACC Europe President; Vice President and
Deputy General Counsel, HP (Invited)

Luncheon Address: Tony Reiss, Author, Speaker, Coach, Consultant
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