Page 5 - Swifty Impact Report Sept 2023
P. 5


       We will revise our operational team and secure the necessary human resources to achieve
       GFAC two core goals: infrastructure and culture change.

         First Who, Then What—get the right people on the bus—is a concept developed in the book Good to Great. Great
           organizations make sure they have the right people on the bus. Swifty has a minibus: Patti Gustafson and
            Deborah Du Vair as Co-Directors, Ginny McLean as Director of Outreach and Al Gustafson as Board Chair.
             This year we worked hard at getting those right people into their right seats.

             Now we are really going places! Figuratively, in the progress we are making on Michael’s Master Plan and
             literally in the conferences and divisional rounds we are attending that allow us to present, advocate and
            develop new relationships. Here are two examples:

       BrainStorm Summit                                                 Peds SNO

       In September 2022, over 200 families attended the first annual
       BrainStorm Summit held in Washington DC.  The main event
       was the luncheon on tissue donation organized by our own
       Ginny McLean. The luncheon featured panelists from industry,
       research, and treatment providers.  Patti closed the
       luncheon by sharing the patient family perspective on
       tissue donation.

       This year’s BrainStorm Summit is expanded to
       3 days and co-chaired by summit founder, Lisa
       Ward (Tough2gether Foundation) and Swifty’s
       Ginny McLean. Over 300 families are expected to
       attend.  The summit has caught the eye of the White                                   In June Gift from a Child
       House Cancer Moonshot program who is sending a                                        (GFAC) was an event
       representative to participate on several panels AND                                   sponsor and hosted
       Swifty has been invited to participate on a Biden                                     a hospitality suite at
       Cancer Moonshot working group representing GFAC.                   the Society for Neuro-Oncology’s Pediatric
                                                                          conference. For three days, Ginny, Deb and
                                                                          Al were busy with a constant flow of pediatric
                                                                          oncologists and physician scientists stopping
                                                                          by to discuss how to work with GFAC.
                                                                          Since the conference, we have had 3 new
                                                                          presentations to pediatric oncology teams and
                                                                          secured Seattle Children’s as a new Regional
                                                                          Center of Excellence.

                                                                          A highlight of the event was GFAC’s
                                                                          opportunity to give a presentation. Only eight
                                                                          non-medical or scientific organizations were
       Patti with Kenneth Harris, Sr. Manager & Head - Academic
       Medicine at Amazon Web Services and Reed Jobs, Managing            invited to present, and we were selected!
       Director, Emerson Collective listening in.
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