Page 9 - Swifty Impact Report Sept 2023
P. 9

2022 ANNUAL APPEAL:                                                     THE RIPPLING EFFECT OF MICHAEL’S AND YOUR DONATIONS: THE SEQUEL
        The Ripple Effect of 2022                           THE RIPPLE EFFECT OF A GIFT: Michael’s Master Plan: The Big Splash  The Family Ripples
                                                                                •   Mikey decides to donate his brain to find a cure. His Master Plan
                                                                                becomes a postmortem (PM) tissue program at the Children’s
                                                                                                         •   Families donate to help other families not suffer a similar loss .
                                                                                Brain Tumor Network (CBTN) in Philadelphia .
                                                                                                         •   Families donate to add to their child’s legacy — they live on
                                                                                                         by accelerating scientific discovery.
        Last fall our Annual Appeal generated $349,642.    MICHAEL’S & YOURS    •   His plan evolves to become Gift from a Child (GFAC)    •   Families who donate tell other families about donation,
                                                                                a national PM tissue collection program .
                                                                               The Research Ripples
                                                                                                         creating more families asking to donate .
        This will fund the Tissue Navigator salaries                           •   Swifty’s $2 million grant to CBTN matched by other   •   Moms who donate become GFAC Family Companions,
                                                                                philanthropy making it $4 million .
                                                                                                         is right for them .
                                                                                                         trained volunteers helping other families decide if donation
        and autopsy expenses at three of our regional                          •   Those grants expand CBTN’s infrastructure,    •   When a family asks their doctor to donate, that doctor learns
                                                                                allowing CBTN to attract new public and
                                                                                commercial funding .
                                                                                                         about GFAC and starts offering donation to future families .
                                                                               •   CBTN receives in-kind support: $40 million
        centers for a full year. Many, many thanks to our                       molecularly sequence 4600+ brain tumor   •   GFAC national infrastructure and proven workflows
                                                                                from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to
                                                                                                        Ripples Impacting the Pediatric Cancer Community
                                                                                samples in their biobank .
                                                                                                         overcome past logistical barriers that kept hospitals from
        generous donors!                                                       •   This will quadruple the amount of data freely    •   Not branding GFAC with Swifty has allowed many institutions
                                                                                                        offering donation and kept families from donating .
                                                                               available to researchers around the world .
                                                                                                        to use the GFAC brand as their own when promoting PM
                                                                                                        donation .
                                                                               •   PM tissue gives researchers the measurable
                                                                               biological data needed to know why treatments
                                                                               fail children . Informing new, better clinical    •     We published a peer-reviewed article in Journal of Clinical
        Keep your eyes peeled for 2023’s Annual Appeal …                                                Oncology, demonstrating: families deserve to be given
                                                                               trial creation .
                                                                              •     CAR T-cell clinical trials, developed from
                                                                                                        the choice to donate postmortem and the ethical charge to
                                                                                                        offer it .
                                                                               postmortem cell cultures, are novel, promising
        it could be a wish come true! That would be                            immunotherapy trials for the deadliest    •   When a family asks their doctor to donate, that doctor learns
                                                                               brain cancers .
                                                                                                        about GFAC and starts offering donation to future families .
        Mikey’s wish of course.
                                                            I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast
                                                            a stone across the waters to create many ripples.
                                                            — Mother Theresa
        Nikki Lyons:
        Nikki Lyons is Swifty’s scientific interpreter and research librarian. In
        addition, she has represented us at multiple conferences around the
        country. For those not active in this physician scientist arena, this is a
        BIG deal for Nikki and Swifty!
        Nikki was recently sidelined from pursuing her MD/PhD in neuro-
        oncology. For the second time in 7 years, she was in kidney failure and
        waiting for a living donor for transplant. Did that slow her down?
        While on daily dialysis for two years and unable to work, Nikki researched
        better ways to educate patients about their illness and treatment options.
        According to Nikki, “Expecting patient families to sift through the
        abundance of information about their disease, the good and bad,
        without a medical background is unfair to them.”
        Nikki, sponsored by Tough2gether/DDRFA will present
        this topic to patient families and clinicians at this year’s
        BrainStorm Summit. She is working to bridge the gap
        between what hospitals think patients understand vs what
        they actually understand.

        Nikki is able to attend BrainStorm Summit because her
        Aunt Bonnie was a perfect match and Nikki received her
        kidney in June!

        Oh... and a week before her transplant, Nikki presented
        a scientific poster on behalf of GFAC at the conference
        for the Pediatric Society of Neuro Oncology. Let kidney
        failure slow her down? No way!

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