Page 6 - The Queen of Califa
P. 6


             MORE BAD MEN                     THE CHINESE                     THE LUEGO                       A NEW PAPER

                                                 PROBLEM                        INCIDENT                             RISES

           After Tiburcio robs the        Sarah mediates a problem         When the Luego family is         When Otis Harrison is
           Governor of his own            between two warring              accused of helping the           offered an investment for
           money, the reward for his      Chinese factions over a          Indians kill the filibusters,    his new Los Angeles
           capture is increased and       girl that was sold into          they are arrested and held       Times by The Governor,
           Tiburcio becomes               slavery. Filibusters, (land      for trial.  Anglo                he later realizes the
           WANTED by career               pirates), come into Los          sympathizers try to              investment comes with
           bounty hunters. Sarah          Angeles causing                  instigate a lynching, but        conditions. Daddy Burns
           wants to outlaw Indian         Californios and Anglos to        Daddy Burns deputizes            finds a victim of
           forced labor, and lawyer       band together. Indians kill      half his men, but uncertain      Tiburcio's, who recounts
           Michael Wilson takes on        the filibusters and ethnic       as to  which side they will      how Tiburcio is gaining
           the case. Reina is arrested    resentments are brought          fight on. Sarah takes in         more Mexican followers.
           for helping Tiburcio and       to the forefront, as some        Concepcion's family,             the Governor becomes
           with Sarah's help escapes      Anglos don't like to see         (widow and child), after he      more alarmed and calls in
           charges.                       Indians kill White men no        is lynched by a mob.             the Army. A gang attacks a
                                          matter the circumstance.         Daddy Burns offers Sarah         Mexican home. Trackers
                                                                           the option for Tiburcio to       capture these men.
                                                                           serve time in San Quentin.       Tiburcio visits Sarah and
                                                                           Reina, Sarah, and Tiburcio       informs her he will take
                                                                           weigh the options.               the Governor's offer.

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