Page 4 - TravelSketch - PARIS
P. 4
in 10 Milestones
1. Frankish Empire (452-843) took over the city of Lutécia after the collapse of
the Roman Empire, which became capital of the Franks in 508 and known since
as Paris.
2. Middle Age (843-1453): 6 Crusades, Joan of Arc, Gothic Art, Chivalry, St
Germain, Notre-Dame Cathedral.
3. Renaissance (1494-1610): Guntemberg, Loire Valley Castles.
4. Age of Enlightenment (1715 à 1789): Versailles, Philosophers, Explorations,
5. Revolution (1789-1899): Bastille, Guillotine.
6. 1st Empire (1800-1815): Napoléon, Civil Code, Waterloo.
7. Romantism (1815-1871): focusing on “individual liberties” and unity.
Chateaubriand and Madame de Stael, Victor Hugo, Haussman, Art Nouveau.
8. Belle Epoque (1871-1914): Universal Fairs, Eiffel Tower, Metro,
Industrialization, Olympic Games.
9. Les Années Folles (Roaring Twenties) (1919-1931): Optimism, Colonial
Empires, Raise of totalitarism Ideologies, Prohibition (a lot of Americans
migrated to Paris), Picasso, Hemingway, Moulin Rouge, Cubism.
10. Modern Times: Mass Consumption, Concorde, Peripherique, Emancipation,
Terrorism, Preservation.