Page 5 - TravelSketch - PARIS
P. 5

1.Known as: City of Lights (first city in the world to install streetlights), it
                                                                                                 also refers to the high concentration of intellectuals living in Paris in the
                                                                                                 17th Century. Also referred to as Fashion Capital of the World and City of
                                                                                                 2.Population: 2.2 million in 40.7 SqM or 309 pers/SqM… and 4 million rats.
                                                                                                 The most visited city in the world.

                                                                                                 3.Thirty-Eight cities across the world are named Paris.
     QUIZ                                                                                        4.Invented in Paris: The metric system (1670), Street lights (1878),
                                                                                                 Photography (1816), the concept of a restaurant, scuba gear (1715), going
                                                                                                 to the movies, stethoscope (1816), chemistry (Lavoisier 1787), car racing
                                                                                                 (Paris to Rouen in 1894), haute couture, Bloody Mary (Ritz 1921), military
                                                                                                 camouflage (1915)…
     in 10 Facts                                                                                 5.Monuments: Le Louvre is the most visited museum in the world (15,000

                                                                                                 per day), 460,000 pieces, of which only 35,000 are on display and would
                                                                                                 take 35 days to see all of them!  Notre-Dame was the most visited
                                                                                                 monument in Paris (it took almost 100 years to build this Gothic style
                                                                                                 Cathedral, starting 1163. Revived by Victor Hugo’s the Hunchback in 1831.
                                                                                                 Hosts the original Jesus’ Crown of Thorns. Burnt in an accidental fire in
                                                                                                 2019). The Eiffeil tower built in 1889, weight 10k Tons, worth $480 billion.
                                                                                                 There is a mini-Statue of Liberty in the Ile des Cygnes in Paris, facing the
                                                                                                 one in NY. Père Lachaise cemetery is the most visited in the world.
                                                                                                 6.Tourism (before 2020): 33 million visitors, of which 11% from USA, 1,700
                                                                                                 hotels, 85,000 rooms, $24 billion business.

                                                                                                 7.Transportation: Gare du Nord is the second busiest railway station in the
                                                                                                 world, after Tokyo, the Metro is the 2nd busiest after Moscow with 5
                                                                                                 million passengers pers day.
                                                                                                 8.Infrastructure: : 3 Operas, 127 museums, 2,213 listed Monuments, 140
                                                                                                 theaters, 33 cabarets, 830 libraries, 37 bridges, 6,100 streets, 470,000
                                                                                                 trees with the oldest in Viviani André square opposite Notre Dame (400
                                                                                                 y.o.), 9,000 restaurants (70 Michelin Star), 17,000 café terraces (the oldest
                                                                                                 is Procope, in operation since 1686), 1780 bakeries (the Baguette being
                                                                                                 regulated by law), 200 miles of underground tunnels.

                                                                                                 9.Historical Facts: University of Paris was founded in 1150. The industry of
                                                                                                 fashion … and wigs began during King Louis XIV (the “Sun King”). Paris is
                                                                                                 the most multicultural city in Europe (20% were born abroad). In the 16th
                                                                                                 century, Paris became the book-publishing capital of Europe. The oldest
                                                                                                 house is located 52 Rue Montmorency, known as Auberge Nicola Flamel.
                                                                                                 The oldest restaurant is still La Petite Chaise (since 1680), Charles
                                                                                                 Lindbergh landed in Paris (1927, first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean).
                                                                                                 Dec 12, 1948, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Mai
                                                                                                 1968, the Students Protest…
                                                                                                 10.Events: 4 Paris Fashion Weeks (one for each season), Roland Garos
                                                                                                 Tennis Tournament (June), Fete de la Musique (June 21st), Paris Pride
                                                                                                 (June), Bastille Day (July 14), Paris Jazz Festival (June-July), Weekly Street
                                                                                                 Food Markets, Fleas Markets (week-end only).
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