Page 156 - Đặc san HNLTKG 2019
P. 156
Suy tư về Vai trò Phụ nữ, nhân ngày Kỷ niệm Hai Bà Trưng
Thinking about family and always peaceful and tranquil all year
roles of the women 3. Thinking about family and the role of
on the ceremony of Hai Ba Trung 2018 women in Vietnam and in Australia
It is questioned what Vietnamese women
1. History of Women’s Day need to do to pay respect to their
Feb 22 1909 in New York ancestors and Hai Ba Trung?
1910 International Women Conference in I would like to focus on the role of
Copenhagen women in the family, the role of a wife,
Mar 8 1913 is officially declared the role of a mother. Australia is a
International Women’s Day. The country of freedom, democracy, and
Purposes are: advancement and is a promising land.
Melbourne has been voted the city with
1. Equal right for women
2. Reducing pay gap (14% UK 2017) the highest scores of Happiness several
3. Women raised their voice on sex abuse times. And Australians consider family as
4. Theme for 2018: Time is Now the foundation of a happy society.
But I have noticed some worrying
2. History of Hai Ba Trung statistics: 60% divorce rate in first
marriage, 75% divorce rate in second
Hai Ba Trung (in Nôm language) are the marriage and 10% divorce rate in the next
common name used for the two sisters marriages. Marriage is surprisingly
Trung Trac and Trung Nhi, the two broken too easily. What are the reasons?
heroines of Vietnam. Hai Ba Trung were
known as the leaders of the revolution 4. Suggested reasons:
against Dong Han colony, establishing a Too much freedom, too much focus on
kingdom with capital in Mê Linh. Trung self, sexual desire rather than True Love
Trac self-crowned as the Queen of the Lack of pre-marriage education for young
kingdom. Hai Ba Trung’s ruling time is people. Lack of basic ethical education in
between the First Northern colony and the high school education program. Lack of
Second Northern colony in the history of patience to maintain true love (It’s easy to
Vietnam. According to Dai Viet Su Ky convince a lover but it’s hard to maintain
encyclopaedia, Trung Trac was a sweet-heart).
considered a King in Vietnam’s history, Young people have not learnt the more
namely Trung Nu Vuong. important job than their career: the task to
After the defeat against Dong Han enemy be a wife/husband, the role to be
lead by Ma Vien, it was said that Hai Ba father/mother, the task to be a role model
Trung, to avoid being handed over to the for the next generations (the role of being
enemy, killed themselves by jumping orange tree, lions, roses)
onto Hat Giang river. Hat Mon-Hat Giang Once being graduated from high schools,
has witnessed the revolution of Hai Ba universities, young people are very proud
against Dong Han. It is also the place of themselves, they think that they are
where Hai Ba had taken their lives. Hat better than their parents. They do not
Mon Temple where people worship Hai know that they are still very innocent,
Ba Trung is a special National Historical walking baby steps to another important
Monument nowadays. The ancient University, the Life University. They
Temple has many old tree lines and is
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